MSCI Index
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The MSCI Euro 50 Select 4.75% decrement Index is based on MSCI EMU Index, its parent index, which includes large and mid cap stocks across the 10 Developed Markets countries in the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). The index aims to capture the performance of the Top 50 constituents in the parent index ranked according to free float adjusted market cap applicable to foreign investors. However, at each quarterly rebalance date, all issuers in the index are weighted equally, effectively removing the influence of each issuers current free float adjusted market cap. Between rebalances, index constituent weightings will fluctuate due to price performance. The index is calculated with net dividends reinvested daily on the ex- dividends date and with performance decreased by 4.75% per annum (360 days basis).

The Index will be weighted and rebalanced in accordance with MSCI's Equal Weighted Index Methodology except that early inclusions of new securities to the Parent Index, such as IPOs, will be postponed to the next QIR. The Index is calculated with net reinvested daily on the ex dividends date with performance decreased by 4.75% per annum (360 days basis) to yield the daily return.

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