2 Net-Zero Tracker Intro

The MSCI Net-Zero Tracker indicates the collective progress of publicly listed companies in the MSCI ACWI Investable Market Index (IMI) in keeping global warming well below 2°C. It also highlights the largest listed companies with improved climate disclosures, as well as those that lag.1

The MSCI Net-Zero Tracker offers investors, companies, financial intermediaries and policymakers an objective gauge of the contribution by the world's listed companies to total carbon emissions and their progress toward a net-zero economy.

3 - Flip Clock - Net Zero Tracker 2023 November

2 9 Months left to limit warming to 1.5°C

Time remaining until listed companies deplete the emissions budget for limiting global temperature rise this century to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels.

2 0 3 Months left to keep warming well below 2°C

Time remaining until listed companies deplete the emissions budget for keeping global temperature rise this century well below 2°C above preindustrial levels.

Source: MSCI ESG Research, data as of Feb. 29, 2024

Hourglass - NZT 2024 March

We're running out of time to reach net-zero emissions

* The chart above shows annual total Scope 1 emissions of MSCI ACWI IMI constituents (not index weighted) based on companies' reported emission data and MSCI estimates, up to 2020. Emissions for 2020 that companies haven't yet reported and 2021 figures are based solely on MSCI estimates, given a lag in company reporting. The remaining future emissions budget to achieve a 1.5°C and 2°C warming scenario are calculated based on bottom-up estimates (sum of remaining emissions budget of all MSCI ACWI IMI constituents) as of August 31, 2023.

5 Download MSCI Net-Zero Trackers

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A periodic report on progress by the world’s listed companies toward curbing climate change risk.

Covers - NZT April 2024

Archived trackers

8 Net-Zero Tracker - related content

9 Net-Zero Tracker footnotes

1The MSCI ACWI Investable Market Index (IMI) captures large-, mid- and small-cap representation across 23 developed-market and 27 emerging market countries. With 9,189 constituents, the index covers approximately 99% of the global equity investment opportunity set, as of May 31, 2022.