How did different equity factors fare during the past week’s market turmoil? When markets are gyrating, it can be difficult to figure out just what is happening. Real-time data provides greater insight into market events as they unfold.
Investors need a clear and consistent way to talk about factors. For more than 40 years, MSCI has defined how investors use factors to analyze risk and return, from individual stocks to entire portfolios. Factors are important drivers of portfolio performance and are well documented in academic research. They are used to quantify how much risk and return is attributable to different countries, sectors and styles.
In the age of big data, fundamental stock pickers face a major challenge. Stock selection typically depends on establishing research conviction in the operating models of companies, such as identifying inexpensive businesses that demonstrate sustainable competitive advantage, disciplined capital management and strong corporate governance. The stock picker’s edge may rely on analyzing information and top-notch research skills.
Over the last decade, asset owners have implemented factor investment programs with a focus on domestic markets. Increasingly, they are also funding equity factor programs in international markets. Two catalysts are driving this trend. First, there has been a steady erosion in asset owners’ home biases, leading to more indexed and active international mandates. Second, investment committees and boards of trustees have become more comfortable with using factors as a complement to core indexed and traditional active allocations.
Integrating ESG criteria into factor index construction
Sep 27, 2017 Stuart DooleFactor Indexes , ESG Research , Factors , Factor Investing
Learn MoreInstitutional investors increasingly are moving toward integrating ESG criteria into their portfolios and their factor allocations, in particular. This shift is driven by their recognition of the financial relevance of ESG issues to their risk management and their focus on long-term sustainable investing.
Why are Small Caps Different?
Sep 18, 2017 Raina OberoiGlobal Investing , Factor Investing
Learn MoreA lot has been written about the persistence of the global small-cap premium. But what, apart from size, distinguishes small-cap stocks from their large- and mid-cap counterparts, and how can these distinctions help institutional investors?
We have seen substantial rotation in factor index performance in the past 12 months. Value, the best-performing equity factor index in the second half of 2016, was the worst performer in the first six months of 2017.
In constructing portfolios, asset managers expose the portfolio to factor tilts that greatly influence fund performance. Some of these exposures, which can provide sources of excess return, may be intentional but others may not. A manager who makes the wrong bet could be on the wrong side of history.
Global small-cap fund capacity: no small matter
Jun 15, 2017 Raina OberoiGlobal Investing , Factor Investing
Learn MoreIn recent years, pension funds around the world increasingly have shed their home bias and made global small-cap allocations.
Why global small-cap stocks are becoming an important part of institutional portfolios
Mar 16, 2017 Raina OberoiGlobal Investing , Factor Investing
Learn MoreInstitutional investors worldwide traditionally have tended to focus on the stocks of larger companies, finding them less risky, more liquid and offering greater investment capacity than small-cap stocks. But asset owners and managers increasingly are allocating strategically to the small-cap equity segment as part of their global equity portfolios i.e., via an “all-cap” approach.
How to think bigger about small cap investing
Jul 15, 2016 Raman Aylur SubramanianGlobal Investing , Factor Investing
Learn MoreInvestors who allocate to small-cap stocks can use either a benchmark weighted according to the market value of companies that constitute it or indexes that track the performance of factors such as size. But all small-cap indexes are not the same.
Top-down managers assess the economic outlook and translate macro views into country and industry portfolio positions. In contrast, bottom-up managers select securities based on a set of common criteria, for example valuations, profitability, growth, quality, yield, as well as company-specific attributes.
Momentum, the tendency of past winners to continue to do well in the near future, is a pervasive return regularity in equities and across asset classes. It is used both as a signal in alpha models and as a factor in risk models.
The falloff in the price of a barrel of oil that began in June 2014 has highlighted how such fluctuations can affect economies and asset prices worldwide.
As we highlighted in a recent post, minimum volatility strategies have outperformed this year to date amid unrest in financial markets.
Britain’s leaving the European Union would send the U.K. and Europe into the unknown with possibly major consequences for multi-asset class portfolios.
Multi-Factor Strategies Highlight Benefits of Diversification
Mar 14, 2016 Dimitris Melas Learn MoreThe cyclicality of factor strategies means that individual factors can deliver a premium against the market over time but that any one factor can experience periods of underperformance.
Call it a lost decade. The value factor recently marked 10 years of decline in the U.S.
The fitfulness of the global recovery has produced quick and unexpected changes in financial markets and handed portfolio managers the challenge of allocating assets amid the market stress.
Low volatility is one of the few factors that have historically performed well in turbulent markets.
Ever since central banks slashed interest rates in response to the Global Financial Crisis, investors have been searching for yield.
Momentum, the tendency of past winners to continue to do well in the near future, is used widely in risk models and in quantitative strategies. Recently, momentum has also been the basis for factor indexes aiming to replicate the performance of this pervasive factor.
The quality factor has demonstrated long-term outperformance against the market, but it has not received the same attention as the value, size or momentum factors.
Institutional investors are increasingly gravitating towards multi-factor allocations as the preferred approach to factor investing. But how should factor indexes be combined?
Traditional investment thinking posits that alpha depends on the active decisions of portfolio managers. The search for alpha is daunting, however, because even the best analysis can be upended if the market draws a different conclusion. In addition, geopolitical and macroeconomic events can change the market environment without warning.
Using Systematic Equity Strategies to Build Better Portfolios
Apr 23, 2015 Mehmet Bayraktar Learn MoreSystematic Equity Strategies, when represented as factors in risk models, allow investment managers to better monitor the sources of risk and return in equity portfolios. We believe that they also improve forecast accuracy and help construction of portfolios that tilt towards (or away from) these strategies, which are rules-based or computer-based implementations.
Many institutional investors have struggled to determine the appropriateness of factors for their own plan, what role these allocations might play, which factors should be adopted and how factor indexes can be used.
Equity factor investing aims to capture exposures to different equity risk premia. Factor modeling and factor investing are rooted in the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) dating from the mid-1960s, Arbitrage Pricing Theory from the 1970s and Fama and French’s three-factor model from the 1990s.
40 Years of History - With Deeper History Comes New Insights
Apr 11, 2014 Dimitris Melas Learn MoreWe recently extended our simulated index factor history to 40 years, providing a unique set of data compared to others available in the marketplace. This extended history, combined with IndexMetrics, MSCI’s analytical framework, offers investors sharper tools for creating and analyzing portfolios.