Title - Datscha terms and conditions
Datscha Terms and Conditions
Datscha Finland Terms and Conditions
1. Applicability
1.1 These general terms and conditions applies to the Customers agreement with Datscha Oy in relation to the Customers access to the Analysis tool Datscha.com (a web application, hereinafter referred to as the “Product”). The Product consists of software applications (hereinafter referred to as the ”Application”) and databases (hereinafter referred to as the “Database”). The Customer can enter and import own data (hereinafter referred to as User Data) to the Product.
These general terms and conditions is an integrated part of the agreement that has been concluded between Datscha and the Customer. The general terms and conditions and the agreement is jointly referred to as ”this agreement”.
2. Grant of license
2.1 The Product, including both the Application and the Database, is protected by Finnish Copyright Act (FI: Tekijänoikeuslaki 8.7.1961/404), applicable copyright laws in countries where protection is sought and international treaties.
2.2 The Customer is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable time limited license to use the Application and the Database within the current business field of the Customer. All other use of the Application and the Database is subject to written approval by Datscha. A prerequisite for this grant of license is that the Customer at all times is registered as a user on the website Datscha.com. The results achieved by the Customer when using the Application to collate data belongs to the Customer.
2.3 The personal License-Id granted each licensed user is personal and may not be used by another user within the organization of the Customer. The Customer may not apply any technology or procedure that may result in the number of licensed users of Product being smaller than the actual amount of users of the Product.
2.4 The Customer shall only be allowed to download, save, print or process information available in the Database for use as a reference in a professional real estate valuation or other real estate analysis made with the Application in connection with a current project in the ordinary course of the Customer’s business (“Allowed use of the Application”). Customer may not use the data available from the Database outside the EU / EEA area without the express prior written consent of the Population Register. For the sake of clarity, the Allowed use of the Application shall not cover, for example, extraction or other usage of data in the Database for the purpose of creating the Customer’s own database, the combination of any data in the Database with any personal data register for direct marketing purposes or the use of the Application in direct marketing, spam or other forms of mass communication.
2.5 The Customer is not entitled to make copies, transfer, rent, lease, assign or otherwise dispose of the Product, whatever form, collated or noncollated. The Customer is not entitled to transfer or otherwise make available the information in the Database, whatever form, collated or noncollated.
2.6 The Customers is not entitled to make any modifications, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise use or discover the source code to the Product or otherwise make modifications in the Application or the Database. This grant of license is only valid for the Product taken as a whole, its components may not be used separately.
2.7 Datscha may terminate this agreement by giving written notice to the Customer if the Customer fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions in this agreement and the failure is not rectified immediately after notification from Datscha. Datscha is not obliged to refund any of the license fees paid or to waive the rights to payments due following such termination.
2.8 If Datscha’s 3rd party data suppliers’ applicable Terms and Conditions should be modified, become, or are found to be in conflict with the use and scope of the use of the Product, Datscha reserves the right to modify the Product accordingly in order to be compliant with such 3rd party’s terms. If the change of the Product is significant and if the Customer, acting reasonably, does not accept such changes, Customer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect and be credited for any amounts that Customer has prepaid for the service and service period which at the time has not yet elapsed. For the avoidance of doubt, any elapsed time of a given subscription period should in such an event be subtracted from the amount to be credited calculated pro rata as follows: Portion of subscription fee to be subtracted from credit = the elapsed time of the given subscription period /subscription period that is prepaid and subject for early termination.
2.9 The Customer shall use all reasonable efforts so that its users of the Product are informed of the scope and limitations of the grant of license to the Product.
3. Payments
3.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing payments shall be made within 30 days from the issuance of invoice. In the event of late payment interest will be charged according to Finnish Law (FI: Korkolaki 20.8.1982/633). If payment is more than 30 days late, Datscha is entitled, in addition to request the full performance of any payment, to immediately terminate this agreement by giving written notice thereof.
4. Limited liability
4.1 Datscha’s liability for damages shall under no circumstances exceed the license fee paid under this agreement. This limitation is not applicable if Datscha has caused the damages by gross negligence or by intent.
4.2 Datscha shall in any event not be liable for special, indirect, consequential or incidental damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or loss of data. Datscha shall in any event not be liable, direct or indirect, for damages arising out of decisions that the Customer makes or measures taken where the decision or measure, partly or wholly, is based on the use of the Product or otherwise on information from the Database.
5. Copyright
5.1 All title and ownership in and to the Product (including the contents of the Database), the Application, all other components of the Product, documentation and copies of the Product (including copies of the Database) belong exclusively to Datscha or Datscha’s suppliers. All use of the Product or copies thereof or other materials or components in conflict with this agreement may, apart from constituting a breach of contract, constitute an infringement of the copyright of Datscha and/or Datscha’s suppliers and be subject to both civil and criminal actions in accordance with applicable law.
6. Maintenance
6.1 Datscha shall at its own expense rectify errors and inadequacies in the Product within reasonable time
6.2 The Customer shall notify Datscha of any errors or inadequacies that the Customer discovers.
7. Assignment
7.1 The Customer may not transfer any of its rights or obligations, partly or wholly, to a third party without the express written consent of Datscha.
8. Data protection act
8.1 The Customer is aware of that the information contained in the Database may contain personal data and that all processing of such personal data, including (but not limited to) the collection, storage, organization, use, transfer, provision, deletion and combination of personal data, is subject to Finnish legislation on data protection (Henkilötietolaki 22.4.1999/523) and other legislation applicable from time to time. The Customer undertakes to observe and be liable for the observance of the said legislation. Pursuant to the said legislation and subject to the requirements of the Allowed use of the Application referred to above in 2.4, the Customer shall not, for example, combine the data in the Database with data in a personal data register.
8.2 Datscha shall maintain administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for protection of the security, confidentiality and integrity of User Data. Those safeguards will include, but will not be limited to, measures for preventing access, back-up, use, modification or disclosure of User Data by Datscha personnel except (a) to provide the Service and prevent or address service or technical problems, (b) as compelled by law in accordance, or (c) as Customer expressly permit in writing.
9. Amendments and additions
9.1 Amendments and additions to this agreement shall be made in writing and signed by both parties. Notwithstanding the above, Datscha shall have the right to unilaterally revise the terms of this agreement insofar as the terms that have been set by Datscha’s suppliers or authorities in regard to Datscha’s activities are changed or a law or official decree so requires.
10. Force majeure
10.1 The parties shall be relieved from liability for a failure to perform any obligation under this agreement to the extent that due performance by either of the parties is prevented by reason of any circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as war, warlike hostilities, mobilization or general military call-up, civil war, fire, flood or other circumstances of similar importance (“force majeure”). A party who wishes to invoke circumstances constituting force majeure shall immediately inform the other party thereof in writing. Either party shall be entitled to terminate this agreement by giving written notice of termination provided the other party is prevented to perform any obligation under this agreement due to force majeure for a period exceeding 90 days.
11. Applicable law etc
11.1 This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the substantive law of Finland, excluding any rules on conflict of law.
11.2 The parties shall use reasonable efforts to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection to this agreement by negotiation between the parties. If such negotiation fails, the dispute shall be finally settled by arbitration according to the Finnish Arbitration Act ( FI: laki välimiesmenettelystä 23.10.1992/967). Datscha shall, however, not be precluded from requesting payment of license fees pursuant to this agreement by filing an application for an expedited payment order or by bringing an action before a general court of law.
Datscha Sweden Terms and Conditions
1 Tillämplighet
1.1 Dessa allmänna användarvillkor gäller för Kundens avtal med Datscha AB, org.nr 556578- 7503, (nedan ”DATSCHA”) om tillgång till tjänsten och webbapplikationen Datscha.com (nedan ” Produkten”). Produkten består bl.a. av programprodukter (nedan ”Applikationen”), av tjänster samt av databas (nedan ”Databasen”). Kunden och DATSCHA benämns nedan gemensamt för ”Parterna” och var för sig för ”Part”.
1.2 DATSCHA och Kunden har träffat ett avtal i ett separat orderformulär (nedan ”Orderformuläret”) om Kundens nyttjande av Produkten. Dessa allmänna användarvillkor är en bilaga till och utgör en integrerad del av Orderformuläret och det avtal som träffas i Orderformuläret. Orderformuläret tillsammans med dessa allmänna användarvillkor plus eventuella ytterligare namngivna bilagor benämns nedan ”Avtalet”. Om det skulle råda motstridigheter mellan Orderformuläret och dessa allmänna användarvillkor ska Orderformuläret ha tolkningsföreträde. Eventuella ytterligare bilagor ska, om inte annat anges, ha tolkningsföreträde efter dessa allmänna användarvillkor enligt den ordning som bilagorna är numrerade (dessa allmänna användarvillkor har tolkningsföreträde före bilagorna, bilaga 1 har tolkningsföreträde före bilaga 2, o.s.v.).
2 Nyttjanderätt
2.1 Produkten – såväl Applikationen, som tillhörande tjänster och som Databasen – skyddas av lagen (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk samt av internationella konventioner.
2.2 Kunden erhåller en icke exklusiv begränsad rätt att för eget internt bruk nyttja de delar av Applikationen och Databasen, som framgår av Avtalet, för de ändamål som anges i Orderformuläret, av de namngivna användare som Kunden vid var tid anmäler hos DATSCHA och som godkänns av DATSCHA (nedan ”Användare” eller ” Användarna”). Användarna ska tillhöra Kundens egen organisation och användningen ska ske i den verksamhet som Kunden bedriver på dagen för Avtalets ingående. Rätten gäller under den tid Avtalet gäller.
2.3 Användare har endast rätt att nyttja de funktioner och den information (såväl i bearbetad som i obearbetad form), som Kunden har beställt i Orderformuläret och betalat för. Kunden ansvarar för att Användare eller annan inte vidarebefordrar, exporterar eller på andra sätt delar inloggningsuppgifter, innehåll och/eller data i Produkten med någon, som inte har tillgång till
motsvarande abonnemang, varken till medarbetare inom eller utanför Kundens organisation. Kunden ska tillse att varje Användare har ett personligt användar-ID (vilket tilldelas från DATSCHA på Kundens begäran och enligt det omfång som anges i Orderformuläret) samt att sådant användar-ID inte sprids från en person till en annan.
2.4 Kunden äger inte rätt att hämta ut data från Tjänsten i syfte att låta andra system använda denna data. Kunden äger inte heller rätt att inhämta data från Tjänsten via ”scraping” eller andra automatiserade eller manuella verktyg. Kunden ansvarar även för att Användare inte använder data eller Tjänsten på detta sätt.
2.5 I det fall Avtalet inkluderar en s.k. ”Enterpriselicens” för Kunden är den licensen baserad på Kundens organisation, storlek, form och nyttjande per dagen för Avtalets tecknande. Enterpriselicensen inkluderar inte en rätt för Kunden att nyttja Produkten för sådana delar eller för sådana enheter av Kundens organisation, som upprättats, uppstått eller tillkommit genom förvärv, sammanslagningar eller andra strukturella organisationsförändringar som inte förelåg vid Avtalets tecknande.
2.6 Allt nyttjande av Applikationen och/eller Databasen, utöver det som anges i punkt 2.2, kräver DATSCHAs skriftliga medgivande.
2.7 Kunden får inte kopiera, framställa exemplar, överlåta, lagra, sprida, låna ut, leasa ut, upplåta eller på annat sätt förfoga över Produkten, vare sig i bearbetad eller obearbetad form. Kunden får inte kopiera, överlåta, lagra eller upplåta informationen i Databasen, var sig i bearbetad eller obearbetad form.
2.8 Kunden har inte rätt att förändra, dekompilera eller på annat sätt utnyttja koden till Produkten eller göra förändringar i Applikationen eller Databasen. Nyttjanderätten avser Produkten i dess helhet och dess komponenter får inte användas separat.
2.9 Om Kunden åsidosätter sina skyldigheter vid nyttjande av Produkten och inte omedelbart efter DATSCHAs påpekande vidtar rättelse har DATSCHA rätt att genom skriftligt meddelande till Kunden säga upp Avtalet till omedelbart upphörande. DATSCHA ska vid sådan uppsägning inte vara skyldigt att återbetala eller efterge belopp som Kunden betalat respektive som fakturerats.
2.10 Kunden ska vidta skäliga åtgärder för att Användare informeras om den huvudsakliga omfattningen av och begränsningarna i Kundens nyttjanderätt. Kunden är medveten om att brott mot nyttjanderätten enligt Avtalet kan utgöra brott mot fastighetsregisterlagen, Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning 2016/679 av den 27 april 2016 om skydd för fysiska personer med avseende på behandling av personuppgifter (nedan ”Dataskyddsförordningen”) och andra lagar och förordningar samt brott mot myndigheters och andra leverantörers villkor.
3 Avtalad produktspecifikation
3.1 Avtalet inkluderar rätt för Kunden att nyttja de delar av Applikationen och Databasen, som definieras i Orderformuläret (eller i Orderformuläret namngiven bilaga), för det antal användare och enligt de villkor som anges i punkt 2 ovan samt i Avtalet i övrigt.
3.2 Produkten tillhandahålls som en webbtjänst via internet. Specifikation, omfång och innehåll i Applikationen och Databasen definieras på DATSCHAs vid var tid gällande webbplats. Kunden är införstådd med att DATSCHA är beroende av underleverantörer (vilka inkluderar olika myndigheter) samt att innehållet i och/eller villkoren för sådana underleverantörers leveranser till DATSCHA kan ändras och att det i sin tur kan påverka omfånget av, innehållet och funktionerna i Produkten, Applikationen, Databasen och andra eventuella tillhörande tjänster från DATSCHA. DATSCHA har i sådana fall rätt att på eget initiativ ändra innehåll i och omfång på Produkten, Applikationen, Databasen och andra eventuella tillhörande tjänster utan att det i övrigt ska påverka Avtalet (inklusive men inte begränsat till avtalslängd, avtalade priser och avtalat antal användare). Sådana eventuella ändringar publiceras på DATSCHAs webbplats och ska gälla från och med publicering.
3.3 Kunden är införstådd med att DATSCHA inhämtar information och innehåll i av DATSCHA tillhandahållna tjänster från ett stort antal underleverantörer och att det inte är möjligt för DATSCHA att kontrollera och verifiera informationen och innehållet. DATSCHA tar inget ansvar för att informationen eller innehållet i Produkten (inklusive Applikationen och Databasen) är kompletta, korrekta eller lämpliga för ett givet ändamål. DATSCHA friskriver sig från varje form av ansvar för skada eller olägenhet, som kan uppkomma till följd av Kundens nyttjande av Produkten som sådan eller som kan uppkomma till följd av Kundens nyttjande av Produkten tillsammans med annan information. Kunden bekräftar att all information som Kunden inhämtar från Produkten och alla slutsatser som Kunden drar av Produkten används på egen risk. Kunden bekräftar att varken Kunden eller dess användare kommer att fatta affärsbeslut enkom på information och slutsatser som inhämtas från Produkten.
3.4 DATSCHA har som ambition att tillhandahålla Produkten med en tillgänglighet om över 99 % av all kontorstid, men DATSCHA garanterar ingen speciell tillgänglighetsgrad eller driftsäkerhet. DATSCHA friskriver sig från alla former av ansvar för skada eller olägenhet, som kan uppkomma till följd av reducerad tillgänglighet av Produkten. DATSCHA förbehåller sig även rätt att stänga av Produkten för tekniskt underhåll vilket i möjligaste mån ska utföras kl. 19:00–06:00 samt helger. DATSCHA avser att informera om planerade driftstopp på DATSCHAs hemsida eller via Produkten senast 48 timmar i förväg. DATSCHA äger även rätt att, efter anmodan från Lantmäteriverket, från Statistiska Centralbyrån, från annan leverantör av data eller från person vars personuppgift berörs, begränsa tillgängligheten till Produkten eller stänga av Produkten vid fara för integritet, Produktens säkerhet eller annan jämförbar anledning.
4 Immateriella rättigheter avseende produkten
4.1 Avtalet överför inga upphovsrätter eller andra immateriella rättigheter från en Part till en annan Part.
4.2 Samtliga rättigheter till Produkten, inklusive innehållet i Databasen (exklusive Kunddata, såsom definierat nedan), dess komponenter och medföljande skriftligt material, tillkommer DATSCHA eller DATSCHAs leverantörer. Nyttjande av Produkten eller tillhörande material eller komponenter i strid med Avtalet kan utgöra intrång i DATSCHAs eller dess leverantörers upphovsrätt eller andra immateriella rättigheter och kan bli föremål för såväl civilrättsliga som straffrättsliga åtgärder i enlighet med vad som i lag föreskrivs härom.
5 Kunddata och immateriella rättigheter till kunddata
5.1 Genom vissa funktioner i Produkten kan det vara möjligt för Kunden att ladda upp egen data (ovan och nedan ”Kunddata”) i Produkten. I det fall Kunden laddar upp Kunddata, eller i det fall DATSCHA på Kundens begäran laddar upp Kunddata i Produkten, gäller följande:
a. Kunden äger alla rättigheter till sådan Kunddata.
b. Kunden garanterar och ansvarar för att Kunden har rätt att ladda upp och nyttja Kunddatan i Produkten och att sådan Kunddata inte utgör rättighetsintrång i förhållande till tredje man och/eller att den inte strider mot lag.
c. DATSCHA får inte distribuera, sälja eller på annat sätt vidarebefordra sådan data till tredje man utan uttryckligt medgivande från Kunden. Ett medgivande om att vidarebefordra sådan data till tredje man ska anses ha lämnats om Kunden eller dess användare genom ”delningsfunktioner” i Produkten ger tredje man tillgång till sådan data.
d. DATSCHA har rätt att förfoga över Kundens data i den utsträckning som är nödvändig för tillhandahållandet av Produkten och Kunddata till Kunden samt underhåll av Databasen.
e. Endast den eller de individer på DATSCHA eller DATSCHAs underleverantörer, som behöver ha åtkomst till Kunddata för att upprätthålla och leverera Produkten, ska ha tillgång till Kunddata. Övriga individer (på DATSCHA eller dess underleverantörer) ska inte ha tillgång till Kunddata.
f. DATSCHA får inte nyttja Kunddata eller andra insikter, som DATSCHA kan utveckla på grund av dess tillgång till Kunddata, för att utveckla tjänster som konkurrerar med Kundens verksamhet.
g. DATSCHA har rätt att använda Kunddata som underlag för att skapa och distribuera egen aggregerad och anonymiserad data, såsom statistik och/eller index, förutsatt att det på intet sätt avslöjar detaljer i Kunddata.
h. När Avtalet upphör ska DATSCHA på Kundens begäran till Kunden tillhandahålla Kunddata på ett överenskommet medium och format. DATSCHA har rätt att fakturera Kunden för sådan insats baserat på tid och material enligt DATSCHAs vid var tid gällande prislista.
6 Underhåll och support
6.1 DATSCHA ska på egen bekostnad åtgärda eventuella fel och brister i Produkten så snart det rimligen kan ske. Kunder ska underrätta DATSCHA om de eventuella fel eller brister i Produkten som kunden upptäcker.
6.2 Kundens registrerade användare har under avtalsperioden och under gällande öppettider rätt att fritt kontakta och nyttja DATSCHAs kundsupport.
7 Betalning
7.1 DATSCHA ska fakturera Kunden den avgift som anges i Orderformuläret årsvis i förskott och avgiften ska årligen uppräknas utifrån förändringar i det KPI som anges i Orderformuläret. Kunden ska erlägga betalning för fakturor inom 30 dagar från fakturadatum. Vid dröjsmål med betalning utgår dröjsmålsränta enligt lag.
7.2 Vidare äger DATSCHA rätt att vid dröjsmål med betalning samt efter en (1) påminnelse stänga av Kundens tillgång till Produkten intill dess full betalning erlagts, utan att detta påverkar Kundens skyldighet att erlägga full avgift för den period Kunden saknar tillgång till Produkten Vid dröjsmål med betalning med mer än 30 dagar har DATSCHA dessutom rätt att, utöver att kräva fullgörelse, häva Avtalet med omedelbar verkan och kräva skadestånd motsvarande i vart fall avtalade avgifter under hela avtalsperioden. DATSCHAs rätt enligt denna punkt ska inte påverkas av att DATSCHA tidigare kan ha valt att avstå från att utnyttja denna rätt.
8 Parts ansvar för intrång I imateriella rättigheter
8.1 DATSCHA åtar sig att hålla Kunden skadeslös avseende samtliga krav från tredje man, innefattande men inte begränsat till krav avseende intrång i tredje mans immateriella rättigheter, som riktas mot Kunden med anledning av Kundens användning av Produkten, förutsatt att sådan användning inte strider mot villkoren i Avtalet.
8.2 Kunden är införstådd med att Produkten endast får användas på de villkor som anges i Avtalet. Kunden åtar sig att hålla DATSCHA skadeslöst avseende samtliga krav från tredje man, innefattande men inte begränsat till krav avseende intrång i tredje mans immateriella rättigheter, som riktas mot DATSCHA med anledning av Kundens användning av Produkten på ett sätt som strider mot villkoren i Avtalet.
8.3 Parts ansvar att hålla den andra Parten skadeslös enligt denna punkt 8 är villkorat av att den andra Parten (den som ska hållas skadeslös):
a. omgående underrättar den ansvariga Parten om att ett krav från tredje man framförts,
b. tillhandahåller rimlig assistans till den ansvariga Parten för dennes hantering och minimering eventuell skada,
c. överför fullständig kontroll till den ansvariga Parten för all hantering, förhandling, försvar och eventuella eftergifter, som må uppkomma med anledning av det eventuella intrånget och/eller kravet.
9 Ansvarsbegränsning
9.1 Med undantag för DATSCHAs ansvar för intrång i immateriella rättigheter enligt punkt 8.1, ska DATSCHAs ansvar för eventuell annan skada som DATSCHA åsamkar Kunden genom DATSCHAs brott mot Avtalet vara begränsat till a) direkt skada, b) sådan skada som DATSCHA skäligen kunde ha förutsett vid tiden för Avtalets träffande samt c) ett maxbelopp motsvarande 50
% av kontraktssumman för den avtalsperiod under vilken skadan uppkom. Denna begränsning gäller inte om skadan orsakats av att DATSCHA agerat grovt oaktsamt eller uppsåtligt.
9.2 DATSCHA ska i inget fall vara ansvarigt för indirekt skada, rena förmögenhetsskada eller följdskada, t ex skada p.g.a. utebliven vinst eller förlust av data. Vidare har DATSCHA inget ansvar – vare sig direkt eller indirekt – för konsekvenser av beslut som Kunden fattar eller åtgärder som Kunden vidtar, vilka helt eller delvis grundas på användning av Produkten eller eljest på information från Databasen.
10 Personuppgiftshantering
10.1 Kunden är medveten om att informationen i Databasen kan innefatta personuppgifter och att all behandling av personuppgifter ska ske i enlighet med bestämmelserna i Dataskyddsförordningen och annan rätt.
10.2 I de fall kunden laddar upp Kunddata som innehåller personuppgifter i Produkten, behöver parterna teckna ett DPA-avtal (Data Processor Agreement) Kunden ansvarar därmed för att de har laglig grund för det och att Kunden behandlar dessa personuppgifter i enighet med dataskyddsförordningen.
10.3 Kunden är införstådd med att det är ett avtalsbrott att ladda upp Kunddata som innehåller personuppgifter utan att först ha tecknat ett DPA avtal (Data Processor Agreement) med Datscha.
11 Sekretess
11.1 Genom Avtalet och dess tillämpning kan Kunden komma att ta del av konfidentiell information som tillhör DATSCHA. Med konfidentiell information avses all skriftlig och muntlig information, allt material, all dokumentation och all information, som är relaterad till DATSCHA och som kan anses som känslig eller affärskritisk, inklusive men inte begränsat till affärsaktiviteter, affärsplaner, produkter, produktplaner, kunder, offerter, ekonomisk information om DATSCHA, erbjudanden, priser och övriga villkor i Avtalet. Om Kunden är osäker om huruvida viss information är att betrakta som konfidentiell information eller inte, så ska informationen betraktas som konfidentiell information.
11.2 Kunden åtar sig härmed att behandla all konfidentiell information som erhålles, direkt eller indirekt, som konfidentiell och får inte yppa eller på något annat sätt dela sådan konfidentiell information med utomstående tredje man. Kunden åtar sig att tillse att samtliga anställda hos Kunden, som får tillgång till konfidentiell informationen, har ingått motsvarande sekretessavtal med
Kunden och att sådant avtal medför samma sekretessåtagande för anställd i förhållande till Kunden som Kunden härmed gör i förhållande till DATSCHA.
11.3 Konfidentiell information exkluderar all information som är publikt tillgänglig.
12 Avtalstid
12.1 Avtalet gäller under den avtalstid och de eventuella förlängningstider som definieras i Orderformuläret, dock med reservation för det fall Avtalet sägs upp i förtid med stöd av punkt 13 nedan.
12.2 Följande punkter ska fortsätta att gälla efter Avtalets upphörande och oavsett anledning till Avtalets upphörande: 4 (Immateriella rättigheter avseende Produkten), 5 (Kunddata och immateriella rättigheter till Kunddata), 8 (Parts ansvar för intrång i immateriella rättigheter), 11 (Sekretess) och 18 (Tillämplig lag m m).
13 Förtida uppsägning av avtalet
13.1 Part äger rätt att skriftligen säga upp Avtalet med omedelbar verkan om den andra Parten begår ett väsentligt avtalsbrott eller upprepade avtalsbrott och om rättelse inte sker inom 30 dagar från skriftlig anmaning.
13.2 DATSCHA har rätt att säga upp Avtalet med omedelbar verkan om Kunden är i dröjsmål med betalning av avgifter till DATSCHA, är på obestånd, är försatt i konkurs eller av annan anledning inte kan fullfölja sina betalningsförpliktelser. Uppsägning av Avtalet enligt denna punkt ska inte befria Kunden från Kundens skyldighet att betala avtalade avgifter. Eventuella i förskott erlagda avgifter återbetalas inte.
13.3 DATSCHA har rätt att säga upp Avtalet med omedelbar verkan om Produkten inte längre är tillåten enligt lag eller myndighetsbeslut. Eventuella i förskott erlagda avgiften återbetalas inte.
14 Överlåtelse
Kunden äger inte, vare sig helt eller delvis, överlåta sina rättigheter eller skyldigheter enligt detta avtal utan DATSCHAs skriftliga medgivande.
15 Ändringar och tillägg
Utöver DATSCHAs rätt att ändra Produktens enligt punkt 3.2 ovan, ska övriga ändringar av och tillägg till Avtalet vara skriftliga och undertecknade av båda Parter för att vara gällande.
16 Meddelanden
Meddelanden mellan Parterna gällande Avtalet ska vara skriftliga och ska endast anses vara levererade om de a) skickats med registrerat brev eller b) om de skickats med post eller e-post och den mottagande Parten bekräftat till den sändande Parten att meddelande mottagits.
17 Force majeure
Om Part på grund av omständighet utanför dennes kontroll, t ex krigshändelse, naturkatastrof, arbetskonflikt eller brand (nedan ” Force majeure”) inte kan fullgöra åtagande enligt Avtalet ska Part vara befriad från ansvar. Part som vill åberopa sådan omständighet ska omgående underrätta motparten skriftligen härom. I det fall Part skulle vara förhindrat att fullfölja åtaganden enligt Avtalet på grund av Force majeure under en period överstigande 90 dagar, ska den andra Parten ha rätt att omgående häva Avtalet genom skriftligt meddelande.
18 Tillämplig lag m m
18.1 Tolkning och tillämpning av Avtalet och eventuell utomobligatorisk förpliktelse som uppstår i samband därmed ska göras i enlighet med svensk lag.
18.2 Tvist med anledning av Avtalet eller därur härflytande eller därmed sammanhängande rättsförhållande ska slutligt avgöras genom skiljedom enligt Stockholms Handelskammares Skiljedomsinstituts (”SCC”) regler. Regler för Förenklat Skiljeförfarande ska tillämpas om inte SCC med beaktande av målets svårighetsgrad, tvisteföremålets värde och övriga omständigheter bestämmer att Skiljedomsregler ska tillämpas. I sistnämnda fall ska SCC också bestämma om skiljenämnden ska bestå av en eller tre skiljemän.
18.3 Skiljeförfarandets säte ska vara Stockholm och språket för förfarandet ska vara svenska.
18.4 Trots ovanstående, ska DATSCHA ha rätt att väcka talan vid allmän domstol eller Kronofogden om utfående av ersättning som ska utgå enligt Avtalet.
18.5 Eventuella skiljedomsförfaranden ska hållas strikt konfidentiella. Detta sekretessåtagande ska täcka det faktum att ett skiljedomsförfarande har blivit inlett och all information som lämnas i samband med ett sådant skiljedomsförfarande, såväl som något beslut eller utslag som är taget eller tillkännagivet under förfarandet. Information som innefattas av detta sekretessåtagande får inte, i någon form, lämnas ut till utomstående utan skriftligt medgivande av den andra Parten. Trots detta, ska Part inte vara förhindrad från att avslöja sådan information för att på bästa möjliga sätt skydda sin rätt gentemot någon annan Part i samband med tvisten, eller för att skydda sådan Parts legitima affärsintressen, eller om en sådan rättighet att lämna ut information följer av lag eller regler, ett beslut av en myndighet, ett börshandelskontrakt eller liknande.
Datscha UK Terms and Conditions
1 Definitions
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings.
Addendum(s): any terms and conditions added to these General Terms and Conditions ( GTCs) from time to time under the heading “Addendum”.
Agreement: The agreement between the parties for the supply of the Product in accordance with these GTCs. These GTCs and the Order Form together constitute the “Agreement”.
Customer: The customer identified on the Order Form.
Data: Shall mean any of the data, information and content supplied to Customer via the Product pursuant to this Agreement and includes data, information and content from Supplier as well as Third-Party Data.
Data Processing Addendum: the Addendum relating to personal data, to be found at https://datscha.co.uk/
End User: Shall mean those registered users (employees of the Customer) identified by the Customer to access the Product.
Initial Period: Shall mean the period defined in the Order Form and starting from the Service Commencement Date (as defined in the Order Form).
IPR(s): Shall mean all patents, rights to inventions, utility models, copyright and related rights, trademarks, service marks, trade, business and domain names, rights in trade dress or get-up, rights in goodwill or to sue for passing off, unfair competition rights, rights in designs, rights in computer software, rights to Data, database rights, semi-conductor topography rights, moral rights, rights in confidential information (including know-how and trade secrets) and any other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications for and renewals or extensions of such rights, and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection in any part of the world
Order Form: the form containing the customer’s order for the Product.
Parties: Collectively refers to the Parties.
Party: Shall mean either of the two organisations that have signed the Order Form.
Permitted Use: the right for End Users to access, view and make use of the Product and/or such Data that is accessed via the Product, or any derivatives thereof, for their own internal business use in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement or as otherwise notified by the Supplier, provided that none of the Data or the Product or any part of the Product may be used for the purpose of direct marketing.
Product: The standard web service provided by Supplier to End Users via the internet. The scope of functionality, Data and other aspects of the Product is described on Suppliers website www.datscha.co.uk (“Website”), and may change from time to time by and at Supplier’s sole discretion.
Product Package: the agreed number of End Users, the parameters of the Product and the applicable price as identified in the Order Form.
Term: has the meaning in clause 13.3.
Third-Party Data: Information, data, content, and tool(s) which are supplied via the Product, but the IPRs in which are not owned by the Supplier but are licensed by a third party.
URL : website address from time to time of third party providers’ terms including: https://data.landregistry.gov.uk/
https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/business-rates- find/terms-and-conditions
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/environmen t-agency-conditional-licence/environment-agency- conditional-licence
User Data: Information and data that Customer enters into the Product (or which Supplier uploads on Customer’s behalf) when using the Product. This does not include any software, solution code, configurations, settings, Data or modification of Data, aggregated and/or anonymised versions of User Data or other IPRs developed by Supplier or Supplier’s third-party data providers.
2 Basis of contract
2.1 The Order Form initially constitutes an offer by the Customer to purchase the Product in accordance with these GTCs. The Order Form shall only be deemed to be accepted when the Supplier issues written acceptance of the Order Form at which point this Agreement shall come into existence on the Agreement Commencement Date specified in the Order Form.
2.2 Where the Order Form contains provisions in contradiction with these GTCs, the provisions in the Order Form shall prevail. The GTCs will include any Addendums which shall be incorporated herein by reference.
2.3 The Customer confirms that it is entering into this Agreement in the course of its business and not as a consumer.
3 Scope of supply
3.1 The Supplier shall provide Customer with the following, from the Service Commencement Date during the Term:
3.1.1 Access and right to use the Product in accordance with this Agreement and the scope of license defined below and in clause 5. The Customer’s right to use the Product is: limited to the number of registered End Users set forth in the Order Form; limited to the Product Package (functional modules and/or Data) set forth in the Order Form; subject to the license fees set forth in the Order Form being paid in accordance with the Agreement; and access to and right for Customer’s registered End Users to contact Supplier’s customer support Monday- Friday between 09:00 – 16:00 (Greenwich Mean Time).
3.2 In the event the pricing arrangements for the Product are based on the Customer’s organisation, size, form and use as of the day of signing of the Agreement, the Customer does not have any rights to use the Product for such parts or for such units of the Customer’s organisation, which have been established, arisen or added through acquisitions, mergers or other structural organisational changes that did not exist at the time of signing of the Agreement.
3.3 Without prejudice to any of the Supplier’s other rights and remedies, the Supplier may, on 14 (fourteen) days’ notice, or in the event of a delay in payment and after one reminder, withhold the supply of the Product in the event that the Customer either fails to pay the licence fees by the relevant due date or if the Customer is otherwise in material breach of this Agreement. Supply of the Product will not recommence until such licence fees are paid or remedy breached.
3.4 The Customer is responsible for providing Supplier with the names and email addresses of the End Users to be registered. Supplier will provide the registered End Users with user IDs and initial passwords. Customer agrees that such IDs and passwords are personal to the respective registered End User and shall not be shared among registered End Users or with any unregistered user.
3.5 Customer must notify Supplier of a change in registered End User details within 30 days of change.
4 Additional End Users and Product Packages
4.1 The Customer may add End Users and Product Packages as follows:
4.1.1 Customer’s representative shall email Supplier’s Account Manager requesting the number of End Users and/or Product Packages to be added, the date they want to start their service and their email address(es);
4.1.2 Supplier will reply to Customer’s email request quoting a price for the additional End User(s) and/or Product Packages;
4.1.3 Customer will confirm final acceptance of terms via email;
4.1.4 Upon receiving final confirmation, Supplier will print out and append these emails to the Order Form and issue the usernames and passwords for any additional users.
4.2 If such additional End User subscriptions and/or Product Packages are purchased by the Customer part way through the Initial Period or any Renewal Period (as applicable), such fees shall be pro-rated from the date of activation by the Supplier for the remainder of the Initial Period or then current Renewal Period (as applicable).
5 Licence
5.1 Supplier grants to Customer a temporary, non- exclusive, non- transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited licence to access, view and make use of the Product and/or such Data in accordance with this Agreement and the Permitted Use for the number of End Users defined in the Order Form, for the term identified in the Order Form. This licence does not extend to any other Supplier, or third-party, products or services, or any use of the Data other than that as expressly outlined in the Agreement.
5.2 Supplier is entitled to use Customer Data as a basis for creating and distributing its own aggregated and anonymised data, such as statistics and/or indexes, provided that it in no way reveals details in Customer Data.
5.3 In consideration of the provision of the Product by Supplier to Customer, Customer will pay to Supplier the fees set forth in the Order Form.
5.4 Customer agrees that it will:
5.4.1 Only use the Product for the purpose set out in clause 5.1;
5.4.2 Not sell, transfer, sub-license, distribute (internally or externally), make available via internet, intranet, email or reports, commercially exploit or otherwise make available to, or use for the benefit of, any third party any of the Product or Data, except as may be expressly set out in this Agreement or otherwise notified by the Supplier;
5.4.3 Except as may be allowed by any applicable law which is incapable of exclusion by agreement between the parties and save for internal business use, not copy, adapt, alter, modify, reverse engineer, de-compile or otherwise interfere with the Product or Data or combine the same with other materials to create a modified service, blended index, or blended data without the prior written consent of Supplier or as otherwise permitted by law or this Agreement;
5.4.4 Not alter or remove any copyright notices or other notices indicating the proprietary ownership of any IPRs in the Product or Data, or any limitations of liability, exclusions or disclaimers made by any licensor of Third Party Data;
5.4.5 Not allow any unauthorized users or third parties to use, access, view, or in other ways exploit the Product or Data or any derivatives thereof;
5.4.6 Not develop any other service, data, or computer software of whatsoever nature using any of the Data;
5.4.7 Inform its End Users about the terms in this clause, and ensure that the Customer and its End Users comply with any terms of use and/or acceptable use policies as appear on the Supplier’s Website from time to time;
5.4.8 ensure that End Users or others do not transfer, export or in any way share login information, content and/or data in the Product with anyone who does not have access to the corresponding subscription, whether staff within or outside the Customer’s organisation. The Customer shall also ensure that each End User has a personal user ID (which is assigned from Supplier at the Customer’s request and according to the scope specified in the Order Form) and that such User ID is not distributed from one person to another;
5.4.9 Not use the Product or the Data in any way that causes, or may cause, damage to the Product, or the Data or impairment of the availability or accessibility of the Product or the Data, or any of the services on, or areas of, the Product or the Data; and
5.4.10Not use the Product or the Data (a) in any way that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful, or (b) in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity.
5.5 The license granted under clause 5.1 will automatically expire on termination of this Agreement for any reason.
6 Modification of Product & Changes
6.1 The Product is dependent on the availability of data from, and certain restrictions imposed by, independent third-party data providers as listed from time to time by the Supplier on the Website. While the Supplier has used reasonable endeavours to procure appropriate terms from such third party providers, the Customer acknowledges that the Supplier is not responsible for restrictions in or changes to the Product or the Data as a result of restrictions or changes by such third parties.
6.2 The Supplier reserves the right to:
6.2.1 make improvements, substitutions, modifications and to add or remove elements of the Data or the Product;
6.2.2 change these GTCs to reflect changes by third party providers;
6.2.3 change the GTCs pursuant to the Data Processing Addendum or any other Addendum; and
6.2.4 increase the Charges to reflect any increases passed on by third party data providers or other contact of the Customer identified in the Order Form.
6.3 The Supplier shall use reasonable endeavours to notify the Customer of changes pursuant to clause 6.2 by email to the signatory on the Order Form. .
6.4 Where changes proposed under clause 6.2.1 or 6.2.2 are not to the Customer’s material detriment, the Supplier may introduce such changes immediately. Otherwise, the Supplier may introduce such changes or any increase in the Charges under clause 6.2.3, 14 days after notice under clause 6.3 unless the Customer gives notice in writing that it objects to such changes, in which case this Agreement shall, unless the Supplier agrees to revert to the original terms, terminate upon the expiry of the 14 day period.
7 Limitations in Product and Data Accuracy
7.1 The Supplier shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure availability of the Product. Supplier reserves the right however to temporarily decommission
the Product in order to perform system maintenance, which will, where reasonably practicably possible, be performed outside of standard normal office hours.
7.2 Customer acknowledges that as the Product and Data supplied to it by Supplier includes Data that is provided by third parties or is otherwise publicly available, Supplier is not able to control or verify the accuracy or completeness of such data. Accordingly whilst Supplier agrees to use reasonable skill and care in the collation of Data, Supplier:
7.2.1 makes no warranty or representation (whether express or implied) about the accuracy or fitness for any particular purpose of the Product and/or Data or that the provision of the Data will be uninterrupted, timely or secure; and
7.2.2 accepts no liability for any inaccuracy, incompleteness or other error in the Product and/or Data.
7.3 Customer agrees and acknowledges that the Product and/or Data are not intended to be used as the sole basis for any business decision, that the use of the Data is at the Customer’s own risk and, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, on an “as is” basis and that Customer will not use the Data as the sole basis for any business decision.
7.4 Supplier gives no warranty or indemnity to Customer about the accuracy or fitness for any particular purpose of the Product and/or Data and in particular accepts no liability for any inaccuracy, incompleteness, miscalculations or other error in the Product and/or Data caused for whatever reason. All other warranties, representations or terms of equivalent effect that might be implied by law to be given by Supplier are excluded to the extent permitted by law.
7.5 Customer acknowledges that the Data (and the indices therein) are neither appropriate nor authorised by Supplier or its licensors (as the case may be) for internal or external use as a benchmark for fund, portfolio or manager performance of any kind and Customer agrees that it shall not use the Data for such or similar purposes. Customer agrees that any such use by it would constitute a breach of this Agreement and an infringement of Supplier’s or its licensors’ (as the case may be) IPRs.
8 Liability
8.1 Nothing in the Agreement will:
8.1.1 limit or exclude the liability of a Party for death or personal injury resulting from negligence;
8.1.2 limit or exclude the liability of a Party for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by that party;
8.1.3 limit any liability of a Party in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or
8.1.4 exclude any liability of a Party that may not be excluded under applicable law.
8.2 The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this clause 8 and elsewhere in the Agreement:
8.2.1 are subject to clause 8.1;
8.2.2 govern all liabilities arising under the Agreement or in relation to the subject matter of the Agreement, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort (including negligence) and for breach of statutory duty.
8.3 Except for a party’s obligation to pay any sums due under this Agreement and subject to any claim for breach of clause 10, neither party shall be liable whether in tort, contract, misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise for:
8.3.1 any loss of profits, income, revenue, use, production or anticipated savings;
8.3.2 any loss of business, contracts or commercial opportunities;
8.3.3 loss of or damage to goodwill or reputation;
8.3.4 loss or corruption of any data, database or software; or
8.3.5 any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.
8.4 Except for a party’s obligation to pay any sums due under this Agreement and subject to any claim for breach of clause 10, neither party’s liability in relation to any event or series of related events will exceed the total amount paid and payable by the Customer to the Supplier under the Agreement during the 12 month period immediately preceding the event or events giving rise to the claim.
9 Intellectual Property Rights
9.1 This Agreement does not transfer to Customer any title to any IPRs contained in the Product, Data, software, documentation or proprietary information delivered according to this Agreement.
9.2 All IPRs in the Product and Data remain vested in Supplier or, as the case may be, its licensors and to the extent that any rights in such materials and data vest in Customer by operation of law, Customer hereby assigns such rights to Supplier.
9.3 Customer acknowledges and agrees that it shall not acquire or claim any title to any of Supplier’s (or Supplier’s third-party providers’) IPRs.
9.4 For the avoidance of doubt, the Customer has no right to access the object code or source code of the Product or Website, either during or after the continuance of this Agreement.
9.5 Customer shall retain all IPRs in the User Data that is entered into the Product/Website by Customer pursuant to the Agreement. The Customer grants to the Supplier a non-exclusive licence to store, copy and otherwise use the User Data for the purposes of operating the Website, providing the Product, generating and distributing the aggregated data (as outlined in clause 9.6), fulfilling its other obligations under the Agreement, and exercising its rights under the Agreement. The Customer warrants to the Supplier that the User Data, and its use by the Supplier in the Product in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, will not (a) breach any laws, statutes, regulations or legally-binding codes (b) infringe any person's IPRs or other legal rights, (c) include any Personal Data or (d) give rise to any cause of action against the Supplier or the Customer or any third party.
9.6 Notwithstanding section 9.5 above, Supplier has the right, without any fee or royalty to Customer, to anonymise, pseudonymise and/or aggregate User Data to create, generate, sell and distribute such aggregated
data, provided Supplier does not in any way disclose any particulars of details of User Data which can be identified by a third party as information, data or content referring to Customer or Customer’s business.
10 Warranties, Infringements and Indemnification
10.1 Customer warrants that it has the right to enter into this agreement and that the User Data does not infringe the IPRs of any third party in so doing.
10.2 Customer warrants that it will not make any misleading statements about any information or Data that Customer derives from the Product.
10.3 Customer shall at its own cost indemnify, defend and hold Supplier harmless from and against any claims, actions, and damages arising out of or connected to Customer’s breach of clauses 5.3, 7.5 and 10.1.
10.4 Supplier warrants that it has the right to enter into this Agreement with Customer and that it is not infringing the IPRs of any third party in so doing.
10.5 Subject to the limitations in clause 8 and this clause, Supplier shall at its own cost indemnify, defend and hold Customer harmless from and against any claims, actions, and damages it actually incurs arising out of claims for infringement of IPRs to the extent such claims allege that the Product provided hereunder, infringes upon any IPRs of any third party.
10.6 In the event that the Product is found to infringe the IPRs of a third party, Supplier shall have the rights to at its own expense to either (1) modify the Product to avoid the allegation of infringement, while at the same time maintaining to the highest extent possible compliance of the Product and the requirements of the Agreement, or (2) obtain for Customer at no cost to Customer a license to continue using and exploiting the Product in accordance with the Agreement, or (3) if none of the above are reasonably achievable for Supplier, cease delivery of the Product and reimburse Customer for all fees paid by Customer for the Product which relate to use of the Product not yet delivered by Supplier.
10.7 Each Party’s obligation to indemnify (the “ Indemnifier”) the other (the “Indemnified”) shall be subject to:
10.7.1 the Indemnifier being given prompt notice of any such claim;
10.7.2 the Indemnified provides reasonable co-operation to the Indemnifier in the mitigation, defence and settlement of such claim, at the Indemnifier’s expense; and
10.7.3 the Indemnifier is given sole authority to defend or settle the claim.
11 Confidentiality
11.1 The Customer may receive confidential information which belongs to Supplier. Confidential information refers to all written and oral information, all material, all documents and all information, which is related to Supplier and which can be considered sensitive or critical to business, including but not limited to business activities, business plans, products, product plans, customers, tenders, financial information about Supplier, offers, prices and other terms in the Agreement. If the Customer is unsure about whether certain information is to be regarded as confidential information or not, the information shall be regarded as confidential information.
11.2 The Customer hereby undertakes to treat all Supplier confidential information obtained, directly or indirectly, as confidential and must not disclose or in any other way share such confidential information with external third parties. The Customer undertakes to ensure that all employees of the Customer who have access to the confidential information have entered into a corresponding confidentiality agreement with the Customer, and that such agreement entails a confidentiality obligation for the employee in relation to the Customer corresponding to the confidentiality obligation that the Customer hereby undertakes in relation to Supplier.
11.3 During the performance of the Product and for a period of three years thereafter, each Party undertakes not to disclose confidential information of the other party to any third party regarding the other party's activities that are confidential or may be deemed business, product or professional secrets without the other Party's consent. Information that the Party states to be confidential will always be deemed to be business or professional secrets. The duty of confidentiality does not include such information which a Party can prove has come to its knowledge other than through the Product, or which is generally known. Nor does the duty of confidentiality apply where a Party is obligated under law to release the information.
12 Charges and Payment
12.1 Unless otherwise agreed all fees set forth in the Agreement shall mean Great Britain Pound (GBP) andshall be invoiced annually in advance.
12.2 Customer shall pay invoices within 30 days from the invoice date (as set out on the invoice).
12.3 After expiry of the initial period of the Agreement (as described in the Order Form), Supplier shall be entitled, once per year, to amend all fees in accordance with changes in UK Retail Prices Index as most recently published at the relevant date.
12.4 All fees are exclusive of value added tax.
12.5 The Customer shall pay interest on any sum due under this agreement at 4% a year above the Bank of England's base rate from time to time from when the overdue sum became due until it is paid.
12.6 Furthermore, in the event of delay in payment and after one (1) reminder, Supplier has the right to suspend the Customer’s access to the Product until full payment has been made. Such suspension shall not affect the Customer’s obligation to pay the full fee for the period during which the Customer does not have access to the Product. In the event of delay in payment of more than 30 days, Supplier also has the right to, in addition to demanding full payment, terminate the Agreement.
13 Term and Termination
13.1 The Supplier shall commence the provision of the Product from the Service Commencement Date.
13.2 If the Supplier has agreed to give the Customer a trial of the Product, the trial will automatically terminate at the end of the trial unless:
13.2.1 the Supplier agrees in writing to extend the trial period for a further period as specified in Supplier’s notice;
13.2.2 the Parties agree that the Customer will continue using the Supplier’s Product on a paid-for basis in which case the Supplier will confirm the same in writing and this Agreement shall continue for the remainder of the Initial Period.
13.3 Subject to clause 13.2 or earlier termination in accordance with the GTCs, this Agreement shall stay in effect for the Initial Period specified in the Order Form and, thereafter, this agreement shall be automatically renewed for successive periods of 12 months or such other period as specified in an Order Form (each a ”Renewal Period”), unless:
13.3.1 either party notifies the other party of termination, in writing, at least three (3) months before the end of the Initial Period or any Renewal Period (the “Termination Notification Date”), in which case this agreement shall terminate upon the expiry of the applicable Initial Period or Renewal Period; or
13.3.2 otherwise terminated in accordance with the provisions of this agreement;
and the Initial Period together with any subsequent Renewal Periods shall constitute the “Term”.
13.4 Termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not affect Supplier’s right to be paid for the Product supplied pursuant to and in accordance with this Agreement.
13.5 Without affecting any other right or remedy available to it, either Party shall have the right to terminate the Agreement if:
13.5.1 the other party materially breaches its obligations pursuant to this Agreement and such Party has not cured the breach or demonstrated that it has undertaken
measures to avoid a breach of Agreement within 30 days after written demand has been submitted to the breaching Party with reference to this clause; or
13.5.2 the other party is placed into insolvent liquidation, enters into negotiations regarding a composition, or is otherwise insolvent.
13.6 Supplier may terminate this Agreement immediately on written notice if Supplier is unable to provide the Product(s) due to circumstances beyond Supplier’s reasonable control.
13.7 In this event, Supplier shall refund to Customer any advance fees paid by the Customer for access to the Product but which relate to future access not yet delivered by the Supplier as at the date of termination. Such refund will be pro-rated, calculated according to the term of the Agreement that is left to run as at the date of termination.
13.8 No refund of fees will be due to the Customer in the event of termination of this Agreement unless the Customer has terminated the Agreement pursuant to clause 6.4 or 13.5, or the Supplier has terminated pursuant to clause 13.6, in which case the Supplier shall refund the Customer for any remaining portion of the Term.
13.9 Upon termination of this Agreement (for whatever cause), Customer’s rights to use the Product and/or any Data will immediately cease.
13.10 Upon termination of the Agreement Supplier shall, at the Customer’s request, provide the Customer with a copy of the Customer Data in an agreed medium and format. Supplier has the right to invoice the Customer for this service such efforts based on a time and materials basis according to Supplier’s current price list at any given time.
13.11 The provisions of clauses 7, 8, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3,10.7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21 shall survive termination of this Agreement and shall remain in full force and effect.
14 Data Protection
14.1 The Customer acknowledges that information in the Database may include personal data and that Supplier is the controller of such personal data. The Customer shall comply with its obligations as a controller under the applicable data protection laws in respect of its processing of personal data contained in information in the Database.
14.2 The Customer acknowledges that Customer Data may contain personal data and that any such data will be processed by Supplier for the purposes of providing the Product and related services to the Customer. 14.3 Supplier’s processing of personal data contained in Customer Data shall be governed by the Data Processing Addendum, which is hereby incorporated by reference into the Agreement. Each Party shall comply with their respective obligations under the Data Processing Addendum in respect of the processing of personal data contained in Customer Data.
15 Audit
Customer shall allow Supplier or Supplier’s authorised representatives to audit the Services in order to calculate the number of End Users entitled to access the Product and that the End User and the Customer are using the Services in accordance with this Agreement. Such audit may be conducted no more than once per quarter, at the Supplier's expense, and this right shall be exercised with
reasonable prior notice, in such a manner (including remotely where practicable) as not to substantially interfere with the Customer's normal conduct of business.
16 Force Majeure
Where a Party is prevented from fulfilling its obligations pursuant to this Agreement due to circumstances which are beyond the Party's control such as but not limited to lightning, labour disputes, fire, pandemic, epidemic, war, terrorism, natural disaster, amendments to regulations issued by governmental authorities, intervention by the authorities and due to circumstances as stated herein, such circumstances shall constitute an excuse which occasions a postponement of the time for performance and a release from liability in damages and any other penalties.
17 Notices
Any notice required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand or sent by pre-paid first-class post or recorded delivery post to the other party at its address set out in this agreement, or such other address as may have been notified by that party for such purposes, or sent by email. A notice delivered by hand shall be deemed to have been received when delivered (or if delivery is not in business hours, at 9 am on the first business day following delivery). A correctly addressed notice sent by pre-paid first-class post or recorded delivery post shall be deemed to have been received at the time at which it would have been delivered in the normal course of post. A notice sent by email shall be deemed to have been received at the time of transmission either once confirmed by the receiving party or provided a copy was also sent by one of the other methods.
18 Assignment
The Customer may not assign its rights under this Agreement. The Supplier may assign all of its rights or obligations under this Agreement..
19 Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Each Party will maintain throughout the term of this Agreement its own policies and procedures, (including but not limited to, adequate procedures under the Bribery Act 2010) to ensure compliance with the Bribery Act 2010 and all other applicable laws, statutes and regulations relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption.
20 Technology
Customer acknowledges that web pages in the Product may contain web beacons. Generally, web beacons allow a website to transfer or collect information through a graphic image request. Customer acknowledges that Supplier may use web beacons for its internal purposes including, but not limited to, data and website usage analytics and reports.
21 General
21.1 If a clause of the Agreement is determined by any court or other competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, the other clauses of the Agreement will continue in effect. If any unlawful and/or unenforceable clause would be lawful or enforceable if part of it were deleted, that part will be deemed to be deleted, and the rest of the clause will continue in effect (unless that would contradict the clear intention of the Parties, in which case the entirety of the relevant clause will be deemed to be deleted).
21.2 This Agreement shall be governed by the law of England. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
21.3 The Agreement is made for the benefit of the Parties, and is not intended to benefit any third party or be enforceable by any third party. The rights of the Parties to terminate, rescind, or agree any amendment, waiver, variation or settlement under or relating to the
Agreement are not subject to the consent of any third party
21.4 Nothing in the Agreement will constitute a partnership, agency relationship or contract of employment between the Parties.
21.5 No breach of any provision of the Agreement will be waived except with the express written consent of the Party not in breach.
21.6 Notwithstanding clause 6.2, Supplier may unilaterally vary these GTCs, including any Addendum, from time to time, by notice in writing to the Customer.