Climate Indexes
Our Climate Indexes are designed to help institutional investors integrate climate considerations into their portfolio decisions by benchmarking, measuring and managing climate risk exposure and identifying additional investment opportunities. They can also help investors seeking to align with global climate goals as defined by the Paris Agreement.
Target benefitsGet tools to benchmark, measure and manage
Integrate climate strategies into your portfolio
Choose from indexes that focus on emissions reduction, transition contributions and alignment with global objectives.
Pursue your specific climate targets
Access a wide range of both equity and fixed income climate indexes with options for customization.
Access widely adopted data and analytics
Leverage expertise of MSCI Climate Risk Center and integrated data, models, analytics and insights.
One portfolio, dual perspectives
See how a parallel benchmark could help you make more informed decisions.
Key features of MSCI Climate Indexes
These transparent, rules-based indexes consider both the opportunities and risks associated with the transition to a low-carbon economy. They are built to help investors seeking to reduce emissions, contribute to the transition or align with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Featured indexesFind the climate investment theme that fits your strategy
Climate Action Indexes
Designed to help investors seeking to finance companies’ emissions reduction to effect real economic change.
Climate Paris Aligned Indexes
Designed to help investors build resilient portfolios aligned with the Paris Agreement goal of a 1.5°C temperature rise.
Climate Change Indexes
Identify both the opportunities and risks associated with transition to a low-carbon economy.
Low Carbon Indexes
Focus on potential risks of low-carbon transition while representing performance of broad equity market.
Global Environment Indexes
Identify companies contributing to a sustainable economy through efficient resource use.
Global Fossil Fuels Exclusion Indexes
An opportunity to divest from fossil fuel holdings with the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Explore Climate IndexesView performance details, fact sheets and more
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For further details,
Climate index resources
Climate action
What’s been driving the carbon footprint of our Climate Action Indexes?

Integrate climate goals into investments
How Climate Indexes can help you align investments with climate objectives.

Want to learn more about Climate Indexes?Get in touch.
Related to Climate Indexes
Climate and net-zero solutions
Untangle the complexity of the climate transition with integrated data, analytical tools, indexes and insights.

Nature and biodiversity
Identify and measure portfolio impacts and risks associated with the rapid decline of biodiversity.