Emerging Markets Indexes

MSCI Emerging Markets Indexes are built with the aim of helping you measure return in rapidly growing economies around the world. MSCI has worked extensively to provide insight into this landscape, with over $1.3 trillion in assets under management currently benchmarked to our emerging markets (EM) indexes.1

Target benefits
Identify opportunities across transforming global economies

Leverage extensive EM experience

MSCI launched one of the first EM investable benchmark indexes, MSCI Emerging Markets Index, in 1988.

Design solutions for institutional portfolios

Use the EM indexes to enable core allocation and potential risk diversification.

Access expansive range of indexes

Designed to adapt to the evolving EM opportunity set, covering ESG, climate, factor and thematic topics.

MSCI Emerging Markets Indexes²

At MSCI, we have witnessed the decades-long evolution of EM and continue to study its unique characteristics. We have designed indexes to help investors better understand the new market fundamentals, as well as b the impact of geopolitical shifts, such as the growing economic power of China and India. 




Weight in MSCI ACWI



Sizing up opportunity in emerging capital markets

A shifting EM landscape

Countries have been added and removed from the MSCI Emerging Markets Indexes over the years based on our market classification framework that assesses economic development, size and liquidity, and market accessibility.

Related to Emerging Markets Indexes

Market classification

See how we classify equity markets each year around the world.

China Indexes

Explore all China share classes through index combinations, market cap segments, styles, sectors and strategies.

China Indexes

Explore all China share classes through index combinations, market cap segments, styles, sectors and strategies.

¹ As of December 31, 2023, reported on or before March 31, 2024, using data from Nasdaq eVestment for active institutional funds and Morningstar for active retail funds.

Equity ETF values based on Refinitiv and MSCI data.

2 As of February 2024