Focus Indexes

Our Focus Indexes are built to help investors seeking to maximize their exposure to companies with high ESG ratings across sectors. Our approach allows you to choose how you focus on sustainability issues — by either incorporating EU benchmark standards or screening for controversial activities — while accessing a broad, diverse investment universe.

Target benefits
Choose how you focus on sustainability

Seek increased sustainability exposure

Target companies with positive ESG factors and risk/return profiles similar to underlying market.

Select from range of solutions

Indexes designed to exceed EU minimum standards or screen for controversial businesses.

Access sector-diversified indexes

Overweight companies with high MSCI ESG Ratings and underweight those with low ratings across sectors.

Approaches to fit your investment strategy

MSCI Enhanced ESG Focus CTB Indexes

Aim to exceed minimum standards of EU Climate Transition Benchmark (CTB), focused on greenhouse gas reduction.

MSCI Extended ESG Focus Indexes

Exclude companies exposed to tobacco, controversial weapons, civilian firearms, oil sands and thermal coal business activities.

Related to Focus Indexes

ESG Ratings

Get tools to measure company management of ESG-related risks and opportunities.

ESG Indexes

Choose the approach — screen, integrate or target — that best fits your goals.