SRI Indexes
In 1990, MSCI launched one of the first socially responsible investing (SRI) indexes. Our SRI Indexes today are designed to represent the performance of companies with high ESG ratings, helping investors align investments with their ethical values and meet climate-based criteria while managing potential financial risk.
Target benefitsTilt toward highly-rated companies across sectors
Incorporate your values into investing
Built to help you align your investments with your ethical values and meet climate-based criteria.
Maintain broad coverage
Target diverse, highly-rated companies while excluding those with adverse social and environmental impacts.
Leverage SRI index expertise
In 1990 MSCI launched one of the first SRI indexes, now the MSCI KLD 400 Social Index.
Aligning your investments with your values
Our indexes target the top 25% of companies across sectors according to their MSCI ESG Ratings. ESG scores are translated to an ‘AAA’ to ‘CCC’ scale, indicating how a company manages issues relative to industry peers. The indexes also seek to exclude companies involved with nuclear weapons, tobacco, gambling and other controversial businesses.
Explore SRI IndexesView performance details, fact sheets and more
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Related to SRI Indexes
ESG Indexes
Choose from indexes that screen activities, integrate data or target themes to meet your goals.

Climate Indexes
Benchmark, measure and manage climate risk and identify potential investment opportunities.