Universal Indexes

MSCI Universal indexes are designed to target companies that demonstrate both a high and positively trending MSCI ESG Rating. They are built to support “universal owners” seeking a broad and diversified investment universe.

Target benefits
Integrate sustainability within broad investment universe

Explore approaches for universal owners

Rely on re-weighting techniques which allow for broad and diversified coverage geared toward institutional investors.

Overweight strong and improving sustainability performers

Indexes seek to represent the performance of companies with robust and positively trending ESG ratings.

Screen for the most severe issues

Indexes exclude companies involved in reg flag controversies and controversial weapons businesses.

Building indexes for “universal owners”

ESG integration index strategies have typically excluded poor ESG performers. That approach may present a challenge, however, to large asset owners who seek to maintain a “universal owner” position.

MSCI Universal Indexes reflect a strategic tilting allowing you to measure the performance of companies demonstrating both a robust ESG profile and a positive ESG trend while minimizing exclusions.

Our indexes are designed to provide investors with a policy benchmark that maintains a broad investment universe while targeting exposure to top ESG performers.

Related to Universal Indexes

Understanding MSCI ESG indexes

Discover our range of diverse approaches to incorporating sustainability issues into your investment process.

ESG indexes

Choose the approach — screen, integrate or target — that best fits your goals.