Showing 11 - 20 of 502 entries
Research Report
Quality Time: Understanding Factor Investing
Exploring Factor Investing in Emerging MarketsFollowing up on a recent MSCI survey that revealed uncertainty among investors about the comparative risk-and-return benefits of EM and DM factor investing, we simulated the performance of six common EM factor indexes over the last two decades.
Emerging Markets Indexes BarraOne
Research Report
Equity Factors: Investor Views and Research Insights
Research Report
MSCI Agency MBS Model Version 2.1: Single-Family Social IndexIn November 2022, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac posted a one-time historical file to provide the Social Criteria Share (SCS) and the Social Density Score (SDS) for all active and inactive MBS pools issued since January 2010. This Model Insight document describes the Agency MBS Prepayment Model Version 2.1, (MSCI2.1) that includes the new social disclosure data.
Style Bets, Not Stock Picks, Drove Returns in 2022In 2022, unlike in the prior two years, stock selection took a backseat to style factors and industry bets as performance drivers. Top-performing funds gained from all three exposures, while bottom-performing funds lost on all counts.
Climate and ESG Indexes in Focus: Sectors Told the StoryWe review the drivers of performance for ESG and climate indexes over the first quarter of 2023, and investigate the explanatory power of the carbon-efficiency factor over time.
BarraOne ESG Indexes SRI ESG Screening (BISR) MSCI Sector Indexes GICS
Macro Scenarios: Soft, Hard or No Landing This Year?In the wake of the recent banking turmoil, a soft landing for the U.S. economy now seems less likely than at the beginning of the year. We considered four scenarios and performed a stress test on a hypothetical portfolio of global stocks and U.S. bonds.
How Sovereigns Have Changed the Green-Bond MarketGreen bonds’ issuance by governments has increased significantly and changed the green-bond universe and its indexes. Investors have had to adjust accordingly.
Research Report
How ESG Risk Management Can Impact Security RiskBarraOne Equity Risk Models ESG Ratings ESG Governance Metrics ESG Government Ratings
A New Era for the Bank of Japan?Haruhiko Kuroda is stepping down after a decade as governor of the Bank of Japan, and the soon-to-be-appointed Kazuo Ueda has the potential to shake things up. What could the new regime mean for investors?
BarraOne RiskMetrics RiskManager