Showing 31 - 40 of 5,681 entries
Increasingly institutional investors are integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into their investment processes. Our research is designed to help investors identify risks and opportunities, and focus in on key ESG performance drivers.
With ESG becoming a key consideration within investment process, MSCI experts Hitendra Varsani and Guido Giese talk about the impact of ESG and how factors and risk models provide deeper insight.
The new MSCI ESG Universal Indexes are a modern way of indexing, and are designed to address the needs of asset owners (who also classify themselves as universal owners), who may look to enhance their exposure to ESG while maintaining a broad and diversified universe to invest in.
This week we talk about the worsening of antibiotic resistance, and what ESG investing REALLY is.
MSCI’s ESG ratings are designed for one purpose: to measure a company’s resilience to financially material environmental, societal and governance risks.
You can use the interactive chart to compare the carbon intensity and stock allocations across the 20 largest ESG funds in our coverage universe.
A decade ago, when we first published our annual ESG Trends to Watch, climate change and the value of human and natural capital all made the list.
MSCI offers a focus on these funds to help investors understand the latest ESG trends and characteristics across more than 53,000 mutual funds and ETFs in our coverage universe.
Activist billionaire investor Carl Icahn is pushing McDonald’s to change the way it sources its pork by mounting a proxy contest, and the SEC’s Climate and ESG Task Force Issues its first enforcement action against Vale.
ESG Screened Indexes are designed for institutional investors & aim to exclude companies associated with controversial, civilian, nuclear weapons & tobacco, derive revenues from thermal coal & oil sands extraction or that are not in compliance with United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles.