Showing 1 - 10 of 357 entries
Equity factor investing was pioneered in the 1970s based on the research, data and analytics created by Barra – today part of MSCI. In recent years, MSCI has developed a broad range of indexes and analytical models that provide institutional investors with tools for evaluating factors and incorporating factor strategies into their portfolios.
Our latest research
MSCI has developed Factor Indexes, FaCS and Analytics backed by four decades of Factor research and innovation.
MSCI 深耕因子研究和创新四十年,凭借由此积累奠定的坚实基础,相继开发了因子指数、FaCS 和因子模型
Watch our latest factor investing webinar hosted by Asset TV highlighting the latest factor research and practical applications
The idea of a growth factor premium isn’t new, but it can be more difficult to capture in its purest form. How might investors build a growth factor portfolio and put it to work in today’s markets?
Tune in as we discuss the resurgence of value in 2021 and what economic indicators show for the road ahead.
Learn about the five common factors and the scenarios where you likely experience their principles in your own life.
Mark Carver and Hitendra Varsani recap the macro events that shaped the factor investing landscape in 2021.
Factor Investing is transforming the way investors construct and manage portfolios. The increasing popularity of Factor Investing can create the need for standards. MSCI has been at the forefront of driving factor innovation for over 40 years, beginning with Barra, which established a common language to explain risk and return through the lens of factors. MSCI FaCS and MSCI Factor Box are designed to provide the structure and standardization for evaluating, implementing and reporting factor...