Greenhouse gas emissions
We strive to increase disclosures of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with our business operations. In 2023, we received third-party limited assurance for our 2022 greenhouse gas emissions.
As of July 2023, MSCI is in the process of recalculating base-year emissions and re-verifying Scope 3 purchase goods and services emissions for the years 2019 (base-year), 2020 and 2021 in accordance with our practice of adjusting historical emissions data to account for significant changes and in line with the GHG Protocol Guidance: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.
Based on initial estimates, we currently anticipate significant changes in previously reported 2019-2021 Scope 3 emissions data, including base-year data, compared to the previously disclosed values, which changes may be material. We plan to disclose on this website page the recalculated emissions data once verified.
Emissions Metrics Report 2019-2022 (PDF, 129 KB) (opens in a new tab) | Emissions Metrics Report 2019-2022 (XLS, 65 KB) (opens in a new tab) | Assurance Statement (PDF, 198 KB) (opens in a new tab)