Corporate responsibility board oversight - cards

Acting with integrity

At MSCI, we have built a leadership structure intended to allocate proper oversight of key risks, functions and opportunities across our Board of Directors and management. Our Board works with management to set our strategic objectives and to monitor progress on those objectives.

  • Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

    Directors, officers and employees are expected to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and meet the highest standards of business conduct as set forth in our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.

  • Code of Conduct

    Our employees are bound by our Code of Conduct, which is based on the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and related compliance policies. They are expected to abide by the code’s values, which include putting clients first, working as a team, pursuing excellence, championing bold ideas, acting with integrity and taking personal responsibility.

  • Compliance Program

    Our compliance program and related policies, which aim to deter wrongdoing and hold our business conduct to the highest standards of integrity, are overseen by our Head of Compliance and are implemented and enforced by Legal and Compliance staff globally. Directors, officers and employees are expected to cooperate fully in connection with any audit, litigation or investigation conducted by or involving MSCI and to provide truthful and complete information, including with respect to any allegations of violations of MSCI policies.

Governance Practices intro

Corporate responsibility board oversight

The Board and its Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee are actively engaged in overseeing MSCI’s corporate responsibility efforts, including by ensuring our practices complement our leadership in ESG and climate solutions. The Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee oversees significant corporate responsibility matters, and management retains day-to-day responsibility for these efforts.

Through our corporate governance framework, we aim to ensure that our directors, officers and employees:

  • Act with integrity in everything they do and avoid potential conflicts of interest, including by adhering to our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.
  • Avoid corruption, in compliance with our Global Anti-Corruption and Political Contributions Policy.
  • Possess appropriate awareness, training and certification of compliance policies and procedures.

Visit our Corporate Governance page for more information on our Board and the roles and responsibilities of its committees, as well as our Corporate Governance Policies.

Visit Our Leadership page for more information on our senior leaders.

See our annual reports and proxy statements for more information on our Board make-up, corporate governance practices and executive compensation practices.


Anti-money laundering

Political activities

Insider dealings

Mitigating conflicts of interest

Awareness, training and certification

Employee Whistleblower Hotline

Employee Whistleblower Hotline

To help ensure the safety and well-being of our employees and integrity in our operations, we offer a whistleblower hotline to employees available 24/7 through an independent online portal.

  • Employees are reminded of the hotline periodically throughout year.
  • Senior members of the Legal and Compliance Department are responsible for directing concerns to appropriate members of senior management.

In addition, we have a specific whistleblower policy and procedure for reporting potential misconduct in benchmark administration, including suspected MSCI index manipulation. Communications regarding such concerns can be made through our whistleblower hotline. Employees are made aware of this policy through our intranet and compliance training, and instructions for reporting an issue are provided on our intranet.

MSCI prohibits acts of retaliation or harassment against any person for reports or complaints regarding misconduct that are made in good faith. Concerns that are raised are treated confidentially and may be reported anonymously. All reports are investigated promptly and thoroughly, consistent with applicable law. At MSCI, we believe that open communication of issues and concerns by all employees without fear of retribution or harassment is vital to our succes.

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