Extended Viewer

Managing Competing Liquidity with MSCI Liquidity Risk Solutions

For institutions, liquidation of large portfolios of similar assets is very common. While liquidating similar assets, it is very critical that they adequately model transaction cost and market depth to make better decisions and mitigate portfolio risk. Learn about our methodology which is designed to solve the issue of overestimating the market depth (or underestimating the transaction cost) while liquidating multiple similar assets in parallel.

Join us for a webinar to hear MSCI experts discuss liquidity environment and how MSCI’s competing liquidity risk solution helps our clients model the parallel liquidation of similar assets.
Agenda Topics:

•    Liquidity Risk Monitor – Research highlighting global liquidity trends and key indicators
•    MSCI solution for liquidity risk management
•    MSCI toolkit for competing liquidity

Watch on-demand here

April 04, 2023

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