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The Controversial Weapons Landscape: Recent Regulations and Research Trends

Canada recently ratified the Convention on Cluster Munitions, becoming the 92nd State Party to the Treaty. An increasing number of institutional investors are looking to implement investment policies that exclude companies involved in the production of Cluster Munitions, as well as other types of so-called 'controversial weapons'.
What constitutes a controversial weapon varies by region, country and institution, with some investors focusing on chemical and biological weapons, cluster munitions and antipersonnel landmines, while others include nuclear weapons, incendiary weapons and blinding lasers in their definition. The Defense industry is also becoming more aware of concerns amongst investors and civil society and developing new technology in an effort to bring their products in line with the provisions of these treaties.
This webinar recording aims to present the latest developments in the controversial weapons field, presenting views from Bank J. Safra Sarasin, Mines Action Canada, as well as MSCI ESG Research's approach and screening tools on this topic.

Pierin Menzli, Head Sustainable Investment Research, Bank J. Safra Sarasin
Erin Hunt, Program Coordinator, Mines Action Canada
Joseph Williams, Senior Associate and Head of Screening Research, MSCI
Nadia Laine, Vice President, Screening Product Development, MSCI (Moderator)

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