Financing a green and inclusive recovery
Financing A Green and Inclusive Recovery
Financing a green and inclusive recovery #postCovid19: Helicopter money can meet short-term needs. Longer term, government stimulus money could target multiple problems at once. Greenbonds could be a start in a post-Covid-19 world, could we simultaneously finance our economic recovery AND meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals by expanding social bonds and sustainability-linked loans?
Green and social funding has increased for a variety of purposes(USD bn)
Post 2 footnotes
This chart reflects estimated capital raised (in billion USD) in 2015 and in 2019 for each of the categories listed. Green bonds figures reflect only bonds eligible for inclusion in the Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Global Green Bond Index, as of Dec. 31 of the corresponding year.
*Energy efficiency includes investments not otherwise classified under sustainable transport or green building — e.g., energy efficiency for noncertified buildings, public infrastructure, industrial processes, electrical grids and district heating.
Sources: MSCI ESG Research LLC; Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Global Green Bond Index; Climate Bonds Initiative; “The green and sustainability loan market: ready for take-off,”, Environmental Finance, July 2018.