Screened Indexes

MSCI Screened Indexes are designed to help institutional investors apply the most common exclusionary screens to the underlying market-cap benchmark across environmental, social and governance pillars. This can enable investors to align their portfolios with their social values and global norms, avoid reputational risks and mitigate financial risks.

Target benefits
Ready-made screens

Incorporate the most common exclusions

Designed to maintain broad coverage with a profile similar to the market-cap index.

Exclude controversial weapons and tobacco

Targets zero exposure to companies with any ties to controversial weapons or tobacco producers.

Apply carbon footprint screen

Indexes prioritize a minimum 30% reduction in carbon emissions intensity relative to underlying parent indexes.

How we can help

Identify headline risk

Incorporates the most common exclusions to yield manageable tracking error relative to parent index.

Easy to implement

Ready-made screens with provision to customize as needed for investors seeking off-the-shelf ESG exclusion index.

Easy to access

Available as part of MSCI’s standard ESG Index Module and Enhanced Module offering.

Related to Screened Indexes

ESG Ratings and financial performance research

What is the connection between a company’s ESG Rating and its stock price?

Index performance review: 2023

Bring sustainability and climate into focus with a look at our flagship index performance.