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We understand today, better than ever before, how sustainability and climate considerations can impact long-term risks and opportunities in financial markets. Our solutions, reports and MSCI ESG Ratings are available through our analytics platforms, as well as on a number of leading distribution channels and platforms. Learn more about our sustainability solutions.

MSCI Analytics Platforms

Nested Applications


RiskMetricsĀ® HedgePlatform ®

Advanced risk analytics to manage hedge fund investments using analytics calculated on the position-level holdings of each fund.

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BarraOne ®

We are a leader in providing tools to help asset managers build and manage better portfolios.

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ERDC MSCI Barra Portfolio Manager

Barra PortfolioManager

A cloud-based, interactive platform for the professional equity investor community.

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ERDC MSCI RiskManager

RiskMetrics® RiskManager

Powerful analytical capabilities enable clients to quickly set up custom reports, design stress test scenarios, and conduct what-if analysis.

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ERDC External Tool


Third Party Distribution Channels and Platforms

ESG Ratings, ESG Reporting, and Climate Solutions from MSCI ESG Research LLC are available to subscribers of these platforms.

ERDC External Platforms


Archer offers an investment management platform and outsourcing solutions to speed up and simplify operations.

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Bloomberg provides a variety of proprietary and third-party ESG scores that investors can use to evaluate disclosure and performance and assess company activities relative to industry peers.

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Bloomberg Data Management Services

The Data Management Services make data transparent and accessible, providing Chief Data Officers with control, quality and visibility across their organizations.

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Caissa offers an investment analytics platform for institutional allocators.

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Clearwater offers a cloud service solution for investment data aggregation, reconciliation, accounting, and reporting.

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Crux offers an informatics platform for acquiring, exploring, and processing large amounts of data.

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Equity Data Science

EDS offers a cloud based, investment process infrastructure for decision-support and analytics.

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Factset provides integrated, flexible data and analytic software solutions for investment professionals.

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The Novus portfolio intelligence platform serves both capital allocators and managers.

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Rimes provides specialist managed data services and regtech solutions to asset managers, owners, servicers and banks worldwide.

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Scaled Risk

Scaled Risk, Software Editor specialized in the financial industry, their platform allows to integrate ESG data, to reconcile them and to ensure their quality in order to create specific use cases.

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Snowflake is a data cloud software that enables data storage, processing, and analytic solutions that are faster, easier to use, and far more flexible than traditional offerings.

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Style Analytics

Style Analytics, now a part of Investment Metrics, enables asset managers, asset owners and consultants to build objective and comprehensive factor analysis on markets, peers and portfolios.

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ESG Connect is a SaaS built around ESG by design, it allows investors to aggregate unlimited ESG data sources, create customized indicators with no-code features, make simulation on portfolios and comply automatically with regulation.

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Contact our Client Service team to learn more about our Research Distribution Channels and Platforms.

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