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Alan Brett
Executive Director, ESG Research
Alan Brett, Head of Corporate Governance Ratings Research, is responsible for research on corporate governance including ratings methodology and research commentary and leads MSCI’s team of specialist corporate governance analysts. Previously, Alan served as as Head of Research at global proxy advisor, Manifest. Alan holds a B.A. in Corporate Administration from Waterford Institute of Technology and a Pg Dip in Corporate Governance from Bournemouth University.
Research and Insights
Articles by Alan Brett
Assessing Control: Measuring And Assessing The Alignment Between Economic Exposure And Voting Power At Controlled Companies
Research Report | Apr 25, 2019 | Alan BrettWhere the controlling owners of a company have voting power that is disproportionate to their economic exposure, the company’s minority investors face some degree of increased risk. MSCI ESG Research’s ownership model enhances the ability of minority investors to assess ownership-related risks or benefits across two dimensions; it measures the level of control, and illuminates the motivations of the controlling entities. We extend this model by adding a third dimension, by measuring the...
Need a Lyft? Why the IPO Blew a Tire
Blog | Apr 10, 2019 | Matt Moscardi, Alan BrettA week into the highly publicized IPO for Lyft Inc., the ride-sharing company, it’s hard to say it went exactly as planned.