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Fritz Louw

Fritz Louw

Senior Associate, MSCI Research

Fritz is a quantitative researcher on MSCI’s real-assets team. He focuses on performance measurement, portfolio management and risk-related research. for asset owners and investment managers. Prior to joining MSCI, he was a quantitative researcher at MUFG. At Nowcasting Economics, Fritz worked on macroeconomic forecasting models. He holds a master’s degree in economics from the University of Stellenbosch and a master’s in development economics from the Georg-August Universität Göttingen, where his thesis was on nowcasting.

Research and Insights

Articles by Fritz Louw

    How Property Type and Location Affected US Lenders’ Losses

    2 mins read Quick Take | Jul 5, 2024 | Fritz Louw

    A drop in commercial-property prices has led to concern about the loan losses of U.S. lenders. We analyze the collateral for the loans by property type and location to identify what has hurt — or boosted — loan books.  

    Real Assets in Focus: Are We Nearly There Yet?

    5 mins read Blog | May 15, 2024 | Will Robson, Niel Harmse, Fritz Louw, Willem Vlaming

    Investors are still waiting for a recovery in commercial real estate. We outline the state of play in early 2024 and identify potential signposts for an upturn in the asset class.  

    Assessing the Health of US Real Estate’s Loan Collateral

    5 mins read Blog | Nov 8, 2023 | Fritz Louw

    How impactful will the coming wave of U.S. property-loan refinancing be? Two significant shifts have characterized the real-estate debt market over the past 18 months: a drop in property values and a corresponding change in the availability of debt financing. 

    Style Factors for Private Real Estate–Beyond Property Type and Location

    Research Report | Oct 24, 2023 | Bryan Reid, Fritz Louw, Will Robson

    For many real-estate investors, property-type and geography segmentations are the primary lens through which they measure and manage their portfolios. But could real-estate style factors play a role in helping investors manage their portfolios more systematically? 

    European Listed Real Estate Fell Below March 2020 Lows

    2 mins read Quick Take | Oct 12, 2022 | Fritz Louw

    European listed real estate has fallen in 2022, weighed down by myriad challenges. Core, residential and office indexes have sunk beneath their lows during the early COVID-19 market turmoil.   

    Getting the Full Picture on Tenant-Default Risk in Real Estate

    5 mins read Blog | Oct 6, 2022 | Fritz Louw

    With economic pressures mounting, we examine the importance of analyzing rental income across all tenants in real estate funds, and not just the biggest tenants. 

    Real Estate's Income Risk in an Inflationary World

    5 mins read Blog | Apr 27, 2022 | Fritz Louw

    Although real estate income returns have tended to be stable in aggregate, the right-hand chart below illustrates the extent to which they have varied across individual properties in the MSCI Pan-European Quarterly Property Fund Index (PEPFI).

    Could Factors Help Explain Asset-Level Real Estate Performance?

    5 mins read Blog | Oct 19, 2021 | Bryan Reid, Fritz Louw

    For real estate investors, property type and geography segmentations are the primary lens through which they measure and manage their portfolios. Testing five potential real estate style factors, however, were we able to better explain asset-level variation.

    Real Estate’s Income Risk in the Wake of COVID-19

    6 mins read Blog | Sep 21, 2021 | Fritz Louw

    COVID-19 has weighed heavily on the financial positions of companies that hold leases for commercial real estate. Property investors can track the covenant quality of their tenants and translate it into a probability of default over the length of the lease.

    COVID-19 and Office Income: What Could Lie Ahead?

    5 mins read Blog | Nov 25, 2020 | Fritz Louw

    With new COVID-19 lockdowns and swaths of white-collar workers working from home, many office tenants are contemplating whether the future of work includes office space. This could have significant impact on office demand and income from leases.

    Myths Debunked - Listed and Private Real Estate: Putting the pieces back together

    Research Report | Oct 14, 2020 | Fritz Louw, Bert Teuben

    This new condensed version of ‘Listed and Private Real Estate: Putting the Pieces Back Together’ explores whether a property owned by a listed real estate company, such as a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) or a real estate management and development company, produces returns close to those of an equivalent asset that is privately owned. Specifically, how do equity market factors, financial structures and individual properties contribute to performance? This research paper uses MSCI’s...

    COVID-19 and Real Estate: The Devil Is in the Dispersion

    Blog | Jun 23, 2020 | Fritz Louw, Niel Harmse

    Many real estate markets were showing signs of a slowdown even before COVID-19’s negative impact on property portfolios. Has this correction been similar to previous ones? We looked at dispersion of returns, within and across real estate sectors, for the answer.