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MSCI Carbon Markets (formerly Trove Research)

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Articles by MSCI Carbon Markets

    Outlook for the Global Biochar Market

    5 mins read Blog | Feb 15, 2024 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    We consider the outlook for the global biochar market, highlighting the increased demand for biochar carbon credits. What are biochar’s potential benefits and challenges in carbon removal, economic implications and role in global markets? 

    Why COP28 Underscores the Importance of Voluntary Carbon Markets

    8 mins read Blog | Dec 21, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    Recent climate talks fell short of agreement on the international trading of carbon reductions that are seen as key to funding the global energy transition. We explain what has hampered progress and why voluntary carbon markets are leading the way. 

    Verra’s New Methodology for Unplanned Deforestation Aims to Silence the Critics

    6 mins read Blog | Dec 1, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    A newly launched methodology by Verra addresses many of the concerns regarding carbon credits from avoided deforestation projects (REDD+), and includes the introduction of jurisdictional baselines and a deforestation risk tool.

    Using Carbon Credits to Meet Corporate Climate Targets

    Research Report | Nov 23, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    We analyze the impact of allowing firms to use carbon credits to help meet their science-based emissions targets, modeling how many carbon credits would be needed to close the gap to meet corporate emissions targets today and in 2030, and how many additional firms might sign up to science-based targets if such use of carbon credits were permitted.

    The Eyes of the World Will be on the Petrostates at COP28

    Blog | Oct 30, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    The upcoming climate negotiations at COP28 could be a turning point for the affluent Gulf states. While these countries built their wealth from fossil fuels, they now face pressure to use that wealth to combat climate change. 

    Potential Impact of the Core Carbon Principles on the Global Carbon Credit Market

    6 mins read Blog | Sep 20, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    If eligibility for the Core Carbon Principles becomes a new benchmark for ‘acceptable’ quality, understanding the proportion of total credits today that are likely to gain CCP status is vital for projecting how the market might evolve. 

    Investment Trends and Outcomes in the Global Carbon-Credit Market

    Research Report | Sep 14, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    Although USD 18 billion was raised for carbon credit projects in the last two and a half years alone, the current rate of investment is only one-third of the level needed to deliver the volume of credits required by 2030 under the agreed upon 1.5°C goal.

    Trove Launches New VCM Country Opportunity and Risk Index

    5 mins read Blog | Sep 7, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    Trove's new VCM Country Opportunity and Risk Index allows stakeholders to evaluate country-level risks for developing and investing in voluntary carbon projects, based on climate policies, regulations and political risk.

    ICVCM’s Core Carbon Principles Narrow the Gap Between Idealism and Pragmatism

    10 mins read Blog | Jul 28, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    To date, the voluntary carbon market (VCM) has lacked a common benchmark for carbon credit quality. The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market’s Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) are a step toward building greater confidence in the market. 

    BECCS – Promising Technology for Net Zero or an Expensive Bet?

    7 mins read Blog | Jul 3, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    The rapid growth in interest in bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) has been evidenced by a flurry of recent commercial deals, but BECCS face challenges with scalability and cost effectiveness.

    VCMI Claims Code of Practice – Important Progress but the Difficult Stuff Still Lies Ahead

    5 mins read Blog | Jun 29, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    The Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity Initiative’s Claims Code of Practice clarifies some aspects of how corporations can make high-integrity claims regarding their voluntary use of carbon credits, but more-controversial issues remain. 

    Corporate Emission Performance and the Use of Carbon Credits

    Research Report | Jun 1, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    Our analysis of the emissions performance of over 4,000 global companies and the link with the use of carbon credits found that companies that use material quantities of carbon credits are, on average, decarbonizing at twice the rate of companies that do not use them at all. 

    Reports of the VCM’s Ill Health Are Greatly Exaggerated

    Blog | May 9, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    Despite negative news about voluntary corporate climate action, evidence suggests the health of the voluntary carbon market is relatively robust. There has been an uptick in corporations setting net-zero targets and the market for carbon credits is holding steady, despite the tough economic climate and media criticism. 

    China’s Voluntary Carbon Market Could Burst Back to Life

    5 mins read Blog | Mar 21, 2023 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    A planned relaunch of China’s emissions-reduction credit system could revive the country’s carbon market. We detail what’s known and what’s still to be decided about the system, and the likely implications for the market.  

    Insurance Joins List of Options to De-risk Carbon Credits

    6 mins read Blog | Dec 5, 2022 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    New insurance products aim to reduce the risk of investments in, or purchases of, carbon credits. We examine the risks that the new offerings try to mitigate and identify what’s not covered. 

    Trove’s Updated Carbon Industry Classification

    5 mins read Blog | Oct 24, 2022 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    Trove Research introduces a new project classification to provide a comprehensive and more-granular picture of the entire voluntary carbon market and reviews the current market structure across all registered projects. 

    REDD.plus — A Green Idea, but Too Many Red Flags

    6 mins read Blog | Oct 19, 2022 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    The REDD.plus initiative has raised concerns due to its potential to flood the voluntary carbon market with carbon credits. The lack of methodological rigor, independent verification and permanence safeguards represent additional red flags.

    Does EasyJet’s Pivot Away From Carbon Credits Mean Airlines Are Cooling on the Carbon Market?

    5 mins read Blog | Oct 14, 2022 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    EasyJet Plc’s decision to stop buying carbon credits has raised concerns about airlines’ participation in the voluntary carbon market. We examine whether the worry is warranted.  

    Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity Initiative: Provisional Claims Code of Practice

    6 mins read Blog | Jun 8, 2022 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    The Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity Initiative has introduced its Provisional Claims Code of Practice, guiding companies on using carbon credits credibly. We report the details of this milestone on the path to a high-integrity carbon market. 

    Carbon-Neutral Fossil-Fuel Claims: 1Q 2022 Update

    Research Report | Apr 20, 2022 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    In 1Q 2022, there was a significant drop in the number of shipments claiming carbon-neutral status. The Ukraine war and an increase in carbon-credit prices in 2H 2021 may have deterred some fuel suppliers from using carbon offsets.

    March Madness — Voluntary Carbon Market Volatility

    5 mins read Blog | Mar 18, 2022 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    Voluntary-carbon-credit prices have experienced a significant correction since Russia invaded Ukraine, with the most liquidly traded exchange-based contracts falling by 20-30%, although Trove Research’s weighted OTC/Exchange indexes have shown more resilience. 

    Voluntary Carbon Market: 2021 in Review and 2022 Outlook

    Research Report | Jan 31, 2022 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    Trove Research’s quarterly update on the voluntary carbon market (VCM), covering summary charts for 2021 and our forecasts for 2022.

    COP 26 Briefing - Implications for Corporate Climate Commitments and the VCM

    Research Report | Nov 18, 2021 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    This report summarizes the key elements of the climate negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow and assesses the implications for corporate climate commitments and the use of carbon credits. 

    Future Size of the Voluntary Carbon Market

    Research Report | Oct 29, 2021 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    We examine the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets’ estimates for the future size of the voluntary carbon market, comparing them to our own, much smaller, forecast of a market size of USD 10-40 billion in 2030. 

    The Global Voluntary Carbon Market: Dealing with the Problem of Historic Credits

    Research Report | Jan 11, 2021 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    We look at the likely future demand for carbon credits to 2050 and how thousands of companies seeking to offset their emissions risk being undermined by a surplus of older credits still in the system. We also discuss mechanisms for how this issue could be managed going forward. 

    Discussion Paper on the Use of Corresponding Adjustments for Voluntary Carbon-Credit Transfers

    Research Report | Jan 6, 2021 | MSCI Carbon Markets

    This discussion paper sets out a potential framework for assessing the contentious issues on the use of Corresponding Adjustments for voluntary carbon-credit transfers and suggests a potential solution space.