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Nelson Lee

Nelson Lee

Senior Associate, MSCI Research

Nelson Lee leads research on clean technology for MSCI’s Americas ESG and climate team. Prior to joining MSCI, he advised clients on development projects in renewable energy and pathways for state-level adoption of electric vehicles. Nelson has extensive experience conducting research on distributed energy and electrification. He holds a Master of Science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Prescott College.

Research and Insights

Articles by Nelson Lee

    Windy ESG Labels

    Podcast | Jun 17, 2022 | Rumi Mahmood, Nelson Lee, Mathew Lee

    Every fund manager with an ESG fund seems to be under routine but detailed examination by financial regulators into their use of “ESG” in said fund label or how they incorporate ESG in their investment process. We explore what this means for the industry and why it matters. Then, we discuss the current state of the wind energy industry, exploring the companies that are leading the chart for a cleaner energy world.

    Feel the Breeze: Companies with the Most Wind-Related Revenue

    2 mins read Quick Take | Jun 2, 2022 | Mathew Lee, Nelson Lee

    Use our chart to examine which companies have the highest exposure to wind power.