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MSCI in Practice: Tax-Aware Portfolio Construction: Systematic tax-management techniques

As we continue our MSCI in Practice series to bring actionable insight during this unprecedented time, on November 11, we present: Tax-Aware Portfolio Construction: Managing tax costs and capital gains.

Taxes can meaningfully impact the returns of portfolios in taxable accounts. To maximize post-tax returns, it is important to execute portfolio construction in a tax-aware process. 

During this webinar learn how the MSCI Open Optimizer supports multiple tax-aware portfolio construction processes, including tax-loss harvesting in Direct Indexing use cases, and when managing multiple accounts across taxable and tax-advantaged platforms.

Agenda Topics:

  • Review the foundation of tax-aware portfolio construction
  • Showcase how investors can implement systematic methods of tax-managed portfolio construction
  • Explore how Multiple-Account Tax Aware Optimization enables investors to maximize post-tax returns across multiple accounts simultaneously

Nov 11, 2020


11:00 a.m. EDT


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