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Leadership in ESG Investing in Asia - Emerging Trends
Asia's mix of population growth and an aging population in many markets, climate change and a range of other catalysts are transforming sustainability into a material issue for companies and investors alike. With global business and investing moving toward a more sustainable model, institutional investors need to position themselves for a future that may look dramatically different from the past. ESG investing is gaining momentum as global macro-trends increasingly point to a "sustainability crisis" taking place around the world. The global financial crisis also contributed to greater awareness of ESG issues by spotlighting the need for more stringent corporate governance and disclosure requirements to help protect the interests of investors.
But what are the key ESG investment, governance, policy and regulatory issues across sectors and segments that institutional investors with exposure to Asia are concerned about? And how can investors go about identifying trends and opportunities in Asian emerging markets? Last but not least, what are the key financial implications of these ESG risks and opportunities, and their impact on the risk/return profile?
MSCI ESG Research, ASriA and NZ Super Fund invite you to a global webinar where our experts will discuss how systematic actors - from securities commissions to policymakers - are supporting a sustainable finance ecosystem in Asia; how institutional investors in Asia may manage key structural reforms while also integrating ESG factors into their investment processes; and how investors identify and assess key ESG risks in Chinese companies.
The session is hosted by Michael Salvatico, Vice President, Client Coverage, MSCI ESG Research.
Emily Chew, Senior Analyst, MSCI ESG Research
Chaoni Huang, Senior Analyst, MSCI ESG Research
David Doré, Research Manager, ASrIA
Anne-Maree O’Connor, Head of Responsible Investment, New Zealand Superannuation Fund
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