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MSCI Factor Investing Webinar Series - EMEA Session

Factors are the building blocks of many successful portfolios – the elements capable of turning data points into actionable insights.

Through our Factor Investing Webinar Series, we provide insight into recent factor performance drivers and best practices for Factor Investing implementation.

This webinar in this series will highlight our latest Factor Innovations and Research:

  • Utilizing a Factor Classification standard - MSCI FaCS across the entire equity program
  • MSCI FaCS Use Cases: Measure Factor exposures at the security, fund or portfolio level
  • MSCI’s Latest Factor Research: MSCI Factor Crowding & Capacity
  • Review of YTD 2018 Factor Performance and recent MSCI Factor Index Rebalancing insights

Jun 19, 2018



Session 2 - EMEA
11:00 a.m. BST London
12:00 p.m. CEST Paris
2:00 p.m. GST Dubai



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Event Speakers


Executive Director, New Product Research, EMEA | MSCI

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Executive Director, Head of Equity Applied Research, EMEA | MSCI

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