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MSCI Thematic Investing Webinar Series: Part 2: Future Mobility / Smart Cities

Megatrends are key powerful and transformative forces shaping the world, business and economies. The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed unprecedented levels of uncertainty across the global economy. What is certain, though, is that the pandemic also has accelerated structural and technological change in some sectors. People are changing the way they live and work, giving rise to emerging themes and growth potential.

Listen below to our experts to discuss the dominant themes that are expected to drive performance in a shifting landscape and help investors capture an information advantage.

The pandemic has accelerated connectivity, hastened the adoption of new modes of transportation and smart building, and autonomous delivery is gathering speed. Our experts will discuss how future mobility and smart cities are acting as growth catalysts for tomorrow’s digital and service-oriented businesses.


Lukas Neckermann, Neckermann Strategic Advisors
Neeraj Kumar, MSCI 
Mehul Thakkar, MSCI

Oct 21, 2020




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