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In numbers
In Numbers
Financial Risks from Climate Change
$825.4 billion
$825.4 billion
$825.4 billion
The cost of weather and climate disasters in the U.S. that resulted in damage of at least $1 billion each over the decade that ended in 2020.
$900 billion
$900 billion
$900 billion
Or roughly one-third of the value of big oil and gas companies that estimates suggest would disappear if governments move to restrict the rise in global temperatures to 1.5° C above pre-industrial levels for the rest of this century.
Two to Three
Two to Three
Two to Three
The number of notches the sovereign credit rating of an oil-exporting nation could fall by 2050 absent steps to diversify its economy, according to Fitch Ratings.
Financial Opportunities from Climate Change
Financial Opportunities from Climate Change
The amount by which a hypothetical index of clean-energy stocks outperformed a hypothetical index of carbon-intensive stocks between September 2018 and May 2020.
The share of global energy generation that is projected to come from renewable sources by 2050 according to a pathway to net-zero put forward by the International Energy Agency.
$1.5 trillion
$1.5 trillion
$1.5 trillion
The value of new revenue opportunities from low-carbon goods and services, according to European companies in their 2019 disclosures to CDP.
Featured Content
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<a href="" ><h3>Has the Path to Net-Zero shown up in Performance?</h3></a>
How have companies whose businesses support the transition to a low-carbon economy performed compared with carbon-intensive companies?
Assessing Climate Risks in Investment Portfolios
Assessing Climate Risks in Investment Portfolios
Climate risk comprises both transition and physical risk. Transition risk relates to the transition to a net-zero economy, and may include policy and regulatory risks, market or reputation risks. Physical risk results from climate change and can be either event-driven, such as from extreme weather, or chronic, such as sea-level rise.
<span class="high-title">How Equity Markets have priced Climate Transition Risks</span> Duplicate 1 Duplicate 1
How Equity Markets have priced Climate Transition Risks
How have companies’ greenhouse gas emissions and “green” revenues impacted their earnings growth and stock performance?
Access ReportExplore our Climate Solutions
Explore our Climate Solutions
Climate Solutions
Climate Solutions
MSCI offers a suite of tools to help institutional investors benchmark, measure and manage portfolio exposure to climate risk, identify low carbon investment opportunities, and support investors seeking to set a net-zero target.
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Climate Indexes
Climate Indexes
MSCI offers climate indexes for both equity and fixed-income investing that aim to meet the variety of needs of institutional investors. Investors can use these tools to help reduce fossil-fuel exposure, mitigate transition and physical risks, capture clean-energy opportunities, and align portfolios with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
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