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Factors by MSCI
Factors by MSCI
MSCI has developed Factor Indexes, FaCS and Analytics backed by four decades of Factor research and innovation.
Factors are the building blocks of many portfolios – the elements capable of turning data points into actionable insights.
Want to learn more about MSCI FactorLab or the MSCI Factor Crowding Model? Have an MSCI representative reach out to you.
Learn more about Factors by MSCI by visiting MSCI’s Factor Investing webpage.
As data and technology acceleration continues to drive the investment world, MSCI FactorLab gives you access to our factor research and development at a much faster pace. MSCI FactorLab provides the latest Factor innovation outside of MSCI standard models that is designed to be integrated into a current investment strategy.
MSCI FactorLab provides further transparency and access to our curated factor research. Our research and data teams endlessly evaluate new data sources and algorithms to identify high-quality factors and their underlying signals that can provide new insight not contained in classic forms. We are committed to grow our descriptor offering in FactorLab and continuously add descriptors that are currently not part of any Equity Model.
MSCI offers distribution via Snowflake that enables seamless delivery of MSCI’s factor data to clients with minimal effort and implementation steps. This is in addition to the usual distribution channels like BarraOne, Barra PortfolioManager, Factor Analytics API and Third-party data delivery platforms.
MSCI FactorLab can:
Download the MSCI FactorLab factsheet
(PDF, 177 KB) (opens in a new tab)
MSCI Research & Data
MSCI has been at the forefront of Factor research and development driving industry leading Factor risk models and indexes. We continue to provide the factor investing innovation needed to stay ahead of a rapidly changing investment world.
MSCI’s data management team works to produce and deliver the highest quality data. Our research and data teams provide data to some of the world’s largest global managers to support their investment processes.
Additional Information
Should We Be Surprised By Earnings Surprises?
Is There an Options Sentiment Factor?
Elements of Performance: Factors by MSCI
Elements of performance: factors by MSCI
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Factors by MSCI
Factors by MSCI
MSCI has developed Factor Indexes, FaCS and Analytics backed by four decades of Factor research and innovation.
MSCI Japan Equity Factor Models
MSCI Japan Equity Factor Models
Leverage factors like sustainability, crowding and machine learning for building more resilient portfolios as market conditions change.
Navigate financial traffic
Navigate financial traffic
MSCI Crowding models help investors assess their exposure to crowdedness—of individual securities, factors and hedge fund holdings—gain insight into how the rest of the market is positioned, and navigate crowded markets by providing high quality, timely crowding information to make the best informed decisions to achieve their investment objectives.