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Climate Data & Metrics

We offer over 900 climate change metrics including Climate VaR, Implied Temperature Rise, Low Carbon Transition Score, forward looking indicators, emission data, fossil fuel exposure, clean tech solutions to facilitate integration across the investment process.

Climate data & metrics intro

For more than 20 years, MSCI ESG Research has worked with institutional investors to incorporate climate change considerations in their investment process by providing an extensive view of climate change risks and opportunities across multiple dimensions.

Climate Data Metrics table

Analytical Framework for a Net-Zero Journey

MSCI’s Climate Analytical framework investigates 4 dimensions: minimize transition risk, capture green opportunities, minimize physical risk, and ensure alignment with 1.5° pathways. Within each dimension, there are several data metrics and models that can support this analysis, starting from building blocks like emissions data, revenue exposure to sophisticated scenario analysis models.

Minimize Transition Risk

  • Carbon Emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3)
  • Fossil Fuel Revenues & Reserves, Utilities Fuel Mix
  • Policy Climate VaR Based on NGFS and Other Science Based Scenarios

Capture Green Opportunities

  • Green Revenues – EU Taxonomy
  • Technology Opportunities Climate VaR
  • Low Carbon Patents, CapEx
  • SDG Net Exposure
  • Green Bonds

Ensure 1.5° Alignment

  • Implied Temperature Rise
  • Normalized Companies’ Emission Reduction Targets
  • Climate Policy and Programs
  • Country, Sector and Company Transition Pathways / Trajectories

Minimize Physical Risk

  • Natural Hazards: Coastal & Fluvial Flooding, Tropical Cyclone, Heat & Cold, Wind, Heavy Precipitation, Wildfire
  • Physical Risk Climate VaR
  • Exposure and Vulnerabilities
  • 400.000 Facilities Locations

Coverage: More than 10,400 companies including large, mid and small cap developed and emerging market equities, as well as Investment Grade, high yield and emerging market fixed income issuers; 198 countries for select / relevant metrics.

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Key Metrics

Key Metrics

Implied Temperature Rise

Designed to estimate how companies and portfolios align with global temperature targets and captures companies‘ budget and projected emissions (incl. targets) across all 3 scopes.

  • Output: °C of warming (2100), issuer-specific
  • Use Case: Reporting, Portfolio Construction, Engagement, Target setting
Climate Value-at-Risk

Helps investors estimate scenario-specific valuation impact/ risk for transition and physical impacts and captures policy risk across value chain, cleantech opportunities and physical climate risks.

  • Output: % of asset value (+/-), security-specific
  • Use Case: Risk Management, Scenario Analysis
Low Carbon Transition Score

Low Carbon Transition Score

Built to assess current and potential exposure to transition risks & opportunities through both companies’ operations & business model.

  • Output: 0-10 score & 5 categories, issuer-specific
  • Use Case: Portfolio Construction, Asset Allocation


Full climate metrics overview

Full Climate Metrics Overview


This dataset represents a company's Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions as reported (if available) or estimated by our proprietary estimation model. Scope 1 emissions are those from sources owned or controlled by the company, typically direct combustion of fuel as in a furnace or vehicle. Scope 2 emissions are those caused by the generation of electricity purchased by the company. Scope 3 emissions include an array of indirect emissions resulting from activities such as business travel, distribution of products by third parties, and downstream use of a company's products (i.e. by customers).

Fossil Fuel (incl Power) Screens

This dataset provides quantitative data on reserves by fossil fuel type and revenue screens (thermal coal, conventional and unconventional oil & gas), as well as granular power generation data.


Close to 30 data points for sovereign issuers to highlight a country’s exposure to transition risk and physical and economic vulnerability related to climate change. The data is collected from sources such as the United Nations (UN), World Bank, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), etc. It also includes a number of carbon emissions factors (CO2 and GHG), their corresponding intensities and trend calculation that can be used to calculate the carbon footprint of sovereign investments.

Climate Risk Management

Assessment of corporate issuers’ climate change exposure and management practices to identify leaders and laggards when it comes to preparedness for transition to a low carbon economy. The risk exposure assessment is intended to assess the extent to which a company is exposed to a material issue (or Key Issue). Under risk management assessment, we assess the strength of a company’s strategy and otherforward looking measures to mitigate the risk.

Current Green Revenues

The recent-year percentage of revenue, or maximum estimated percent, a company has derived from products or services related to alternative energy, energy efficiency, green building, pollution prevention, sustainable water or sustainable agriculture.

Low Carbon Patent Analysis

Recently published patent databases allow an evidence-based, behind-the-scenes view into the strategic research and development investment of companies. Climate VaR’s model currently covers 65 million unique patents that have been granted from 40 patent authorities worldwide. In this dataset, patents referring to the Low Carbon technologies have been segregated, assigned a quality scores and mapped to companies.

All climate metrics overview

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*All ESG ratings and reports are provided by MSCI ESG Research LLC.  MSCI ESG Indexes and Analytics utilize information from, but are not provided by, MSCI ESG Research LLC.  MSCI Equity Indexes are products of MSCI Inc. and are administered by MSCI UK Limited. Coverage: reported and estimated data for more than 10,000 companies including large, mid and small cap developed and emerging market equities, as well as Investment Grade, high yield and emerging market fixed income issuers*; 198 countries for select / relevant metrics; *clean tech metrics and low carbon transition assessment available for MSCI ACWI IMI 


MSCI ESG Research LLC. is a Registered Investment Adviser under the Investment Adviser Act of 1940. The most recent SEC Form ADV filing, including Form ADV Part 2A, is available on the U.S. SEC’s website at (opens in a new tab).

MIFID2/MIFIR notice: MSCI ESG Research LLC does not distribute or act as an intermediary for financial instruments or structured deposits, nor does it deal on its own account, provide execution services for others or manage client accounts. No MSCI ESG Research product or service supports, promotes or is intended to support or promote any such activity. MSCI ESG Research is an independent provider of ESG data, reports and ratings based on published methodologies and available to clients on a subscription basis.  

ESG ADV 2A (PDF, 355 KB) (opens in a new tab)
ESG ADV 2B (brochure supplement) (PDF, 232 KB) (opens in a new tab)