Identifying High Methane Emitters in US Oil and Gas

Chris Cote

September 07, 2021


Regulations that could force companies to better measure, scrutinize and restrict methane emissions from their oil and gas operations are pending in the U.S. and Europe. It could be useful for investors to examine which facilities and companies have higher methane emissions to understand the impact of the potential regulations. This chart compares carbon-dioxide emissions (metric tons of CO2 ) to methane emissions (metric tons of CO2 equivalent) in the U.S. to help identify emission outliers at the facility and company level, across the oil and gas value chain.

How to interact with this plot: Filter among facility types by clicking the bar at the bottom. Highlight facilities and companies by clicking on a point in the chart.




Source: MSCI ESG Research LLC; emissions data from 2019, published in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s GHG FLIGHT database in 2020.

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