Part 1 Americas

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Part 1: A multi-dimensional view of risk during times of crisis

Featuring: Michael Hayes, Executive Director, MSCI Research



In Americas Part 1: A multi-dimensional view of risk during times of crisis

In Part 1: A multi-dimensional view of risk during times of crisis, Michael Hayes, Executive Director, MSCI Research, offers a US perspective on what’s needed to take a multi-dimensional view of risk during times of crisis.



Americas Part 2

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Part 2: Utilizing risk to highlight opportunities in volatile times

Featuring: Michael Hayes, Executive Director, MSCI Research



In Americas Part 2: Utilizing risk to highlight opportunities in volatile times

In Part 2: Utilizing risk to highlight opportunities in volatile times, Michael Hayes, Executive Director, MSCI Research, offers a US perspective on how a more holistic view of risk can inform investment strategy to play an active role in opportunistic alpha capture.



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