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Equity Portfolio Solutions
Intro - Equity Portfolio
Is risk lurking in your portfolio?
As an investment manager, you know that you can’t spot risk without seeing the full picture. That’s why our data and tools offer a broader understanding of risks, opportunities and undiscovered insights that help provide an extensive view of your securities and portfolio.
Key benefits - Equity Portfolio
Key benefits
Create resilient and differentiated portfolios
Get data-driven insights that complement your fundamental analysis
Shore up your view of the market, maximize intended exposures, and minimize blind spots with our solutions that complement your process
Understand risk and performance drivers
Effectively manage your portfolio across various market cycles
Precisely attribute the sources of risk and performance to stock selection, industry or style characteristics for an additional layer of clarity
Navigate the risk landscape
Enable better risk identification, management and alignment with your investment objectives
Establish a common language for managers and risk professionals to foster collaboration for a broader understanding of security and portfolio risks
Flexible content - Equity Portfolio
Our five-decade legacy of working side-by-side with clients and years of data heritage play to your strengths. We help you unlock data-driven insights that complement your fundamental analysis. Our aim is to enable you to navigate a complex risk landscape and build differentiated and resilient portfolios throughout market regimes.
Featured content - Equity portfolio solutions
Featured content
Beyond the Name Game: Focus on Fundamentals
Name recognition of highflying stocks, as well as their performance, can be brief. The enduring value of thematic and fundamental analysis is the ability to uncover the macroeconomic and business dynamics that influence long-term stock returns.
Who Benefits from Rewiring Supply Chains?
Certain industries are more susceptible to the effects of deglobalization. We explore how investors can identify potential beneficiaries of global supply-chain realignment considering industry, thematic and structural characteristics.
Can Crowding Scores Quantify US Stocks' Fragility?
Instead of a predicted recession, U.S. equity markets have soared since 2022, and a few mega-cap technology stocks dominated the market. We analyze the most- and least-crowded market segments to help investors prudently monitor their portfolios.
Contact - Equity Portfolio
Use cases - Equity Portfolio
Use cases
Understand the true drivers of risk and return
- Avoid unintended risks and biases and maximize your intended exposures.
- Showcase your value and separate stock picking from style contributions.
- Your edge: Demonstrate your differentiated view of the market.
Collaborate between front and middle office
- Gain a broader understanding of risk with a common language to view security and portfolio risk across the organization.
- Understand and share actionable insights across teams promoting informed investment discussions and decisions alignment.
- Your edge: Best position your portfolio to meet investment objectives.
Navigate security traffic avoiding crowded trades
- When too much capital is chasing the same securities and ideas, trades can become crowded, increasing volatility and the risk of a liquidity or drawdown event.
- Look at concentrations observed at the individual stock-level and make informed decisions that align best with your risk tolerance and investment strategy.
- Your edge: Improve the risk/return profile of your holdings by replacing crowded stocks with less crowded ones that have similar characteristics.
Benchmark active performance against a comparable index
- Benchmark your strategy’s returns and holdings against a comparable style index alternative.
- Separate skill-based stock-selection contribution from the style component of returns.
- Your edge: Showcase true value-add by comparing performance relative to low-cost, index style competitors.
Better communicate your strategies’ effectiveness
- Compare portfolio holdings, active positioning and underlying stock fundamentals versus an appropriate index.
- Justify your contribution relative to a transparent, low-cost, factor index approach.
- Your edge: Create stronger stories for your security selection approach and active positioning.