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MSCI wins 10th award for “Best Index Provider”
MSCI wins 10 awards in the last 4 months
In April 2016, MSCI won two awards at the ETF.com European Awards dinner, which celebrates achievements within the Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) space. These two awards take the MSCI Index award tally up to 10, for awards won and/or collected in 2016.
MSCI has remained an independent market leader by expanding and enhancing their index offering. They reflect the evolving and complex needs of the institutional investment community with ground breaking new products, innovative research, high quality data and dedicated client support. We realise that in today’s challenging market environment, it’s more important than ever to have confidence in your index provider. Today, MSCI continues to lead innovation in areas our clients tell us are most important to them and as of December 2015, there were more than $10 trillion in assets benchmarked to or track MSCI Indexes. MSCI’s four largest Index families, ACWI, World, EAFE, and EM, each have more than $1 trillion benchmarked to them.
1. Pensions Age 2016
- Index Provider of the Year
2. Structured Retail Products Awards 2016
- Best Propriety Index Provider of the Year
3. Hedgeweek Awards 2016
- Best Global Index Provider of the Year
4. ETF Risk Rankings 2015 (awarded in 2016)
- Index Provider of the Year 2015
5. Structured Products Awards 2015 (awarded in 2016)
- Index Provider of the Year 2015
6. ETF.com 2015 (awarded in 2016) – America
- Index Provider of the Year
7. ETF.com 2015 (awarded in 2016) – America
- Winner of Best Index Provider Website
8. European Pensions Awards 2015 (awarded in 2016)
- Index Provider of the Year 2015
9. ETF.com 2015 (awarded in 2016) – Europe
- Index Provider of the Year
10. ETF.com 2015 (awarded in 2016) – Europe
- Winner of Best Index Provider Website
Please visit the Recognition page for all MSCI awards.
MSCI blog
MSCI blog
The blog reflects our wide-ranging research topics, including factor indexes, risk management, ESG and real estate. The posts are authored by our thought leaders and will also give you exposure to our new research and solutions.
Research at MSCI
Research at MSCI
MSCI has applied pioneering ideas to real-world investment challenges for more than four decades. Today, we build on our rich heritage by continuing to bring new ideas to market for a wide variety of asset classes, investment styles and research themes.
Modern index strategy
Modern index strategy
MSCI indexing offers a modern, seamless and fully integrated approach to measuring the full equity opportunity set, with no gaps or overlaps.