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Integrating Climate and Net-Zero Solutions into your investment process

Climate and Net-Zero Solutions helps investors make their portfolios more resilient to the transition to a net-zero economy and overall effects of a warming climate. It combines in one easy-to-use platform:

  • Climate data and financial modeling capabilities across multiple asset classes
  • Analytical tools for constructing, benchmarking and managing climate-aligned portfolios, setting net-zero targets and assessing impacts on valuations
  • Portfolio- and enterprise-level monitoring, management and reporting of carbon emissions and climate-related financial risks.

Explore below to learn more about which Net-Zero solutions can help as you seek to achieve your climate objectives –

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Explore Climate and Net-Zero solutions

  • Total Portfolio Footprinting

    Enables you to measure and understand the total climate impact of your investment and lending activities – your financed emissions.

  • Climate Lab Enterprise

    Climate Lab Enterprise provides a comprehensive view of climate risk across enterprises, strategies, portfolios, and companies. Visualize transition and physical risk, emissions and scenarios to assess alignment and track progress toward climate goals.

  • Implied Temperature Rise

    Designed to show the temperature alignment of your investments with global climate targets.

  • Climate Scenario Analysis

    Designed to provide a forwardlooking, return-based valuation assessment. Our Climate Scenario Analysis offers insight into how the physical and transition risks and opportunities of climate change could affect company valuations.

  • Climate Indexes

    Offers climate indexes for both equity and fixed income investing that aim to meet the variety of needs of institutional investors. Investors can use these tools to help reduce fossil-fuel exposure, mitigate transition and physical risks, capture clean-energy opportunities, and align portfolios with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

  • Climate Data and Metrics

    Supports sustainability-focused strategies and deepen investors’ insight into climate-related risks and opportunities across multiple dimensions.

  • Target and Commitments Dataset

    For untangling corporate decarbonization commitments.

  • Climate Risk Reporting

    Offers sophisticated climate risk analytics on securities across asset classes and streamline climate risk management processes within existing workflows using high volume climate reporting.

  • Climate Real Assets

    Solutions allowing investors to understand and manage their climate impact and risk across their real asset investments.

  • Carbon Footprinting for Private Equity and Debt

    Harness the power of MSCI ESG Research1 and Burgiss Data to take climate change into account across unlisted asset classes.

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(PDF, 2.05 MB) (opens in a new tab)

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Want to get in touch to find out more?

Please contact our team of climate specialists to learn more about our series of net-zero solutions or to discuss your own climate objectives.

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1Climate Data and Metrics, Climate Risk Reporting and Scenario Analysis are provided by MSCI ESG Research LLC. MSCI ESG Indexes and Analytics utilize information from, but are not provided by, MSCI ESG Research LLC. MSCI Indexes and Analytics are products of MSCI Inc. and are administered by MSCI Limited (UK).

2MSCI ESG Ratings, research and data are produced by MSCI ESG Research LLC, a subsidiary of MSCI Inc. MSCI ESG Indexes and Analytics are products of MSCI Inc. that utilize information from MSCI ESG Research LLC. MSCI Indexes are administered by MSCI Limited (UK).