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The future of real estate investment analytics
MSCI is transforming the way asset owners and asset managers use analytics for private real estate investments. Over the past year, we have expanded our real estate market coverage and introduced a globally standardized IPD Rental Information Service (IRIS), an analytical tool that helps investors measure and manage forward-looking income risk factors that impact value across their portfolios.
Our newest innovation is the Global Analytics Portal, a dynamic platform for real estate performance and risk analysis. Our portal enables real estate investors to quickly and easily benchmark global markets and evaluate the performance of their individual portfolios, using their preferred analytical filters.
Part 2 story
An illustration of the market level insights which can be gained through the new Analytics Portal is provided in the pricing trends across three key markets (U.S., UK and Japan) and globally. For many investors, the issue of pricing represents a notable risk for the real estate asset class. At a global level, the current income yields and spreads with bond yields point to more aggressively priced property than at any time since the peak years of the global financial crisis. The difference this time is the persistence of wide spreads due to unusually low interest rates. It is insights such as these that are provided by the Global Intel dataset to assist owners and managers as they develop their real estate investment strategies across global markets and property types.
For more information, please email realestate@msci.com or contact your client consultant directly for a demonstration.
MSCI Global Intel
MSCI Global Intel
Real estate is going mainstream. Over the last two decades, it’s moved from alternative to a growing and significant proportion of allocation.
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US commercial property performance & income risk
US commercial property performance & income risk
Our quarterly updates containing fresh insights on income and risk for the US market.