Intro - Universe data

Benchmark performance against one of the largest pools of private capital data with extensive coverage of historical profiles, including inception date, sourced directly from LPs

This database provides global investors with research-driven performance and cash flow data for funds and their holdings across private capital strategies, including buyout, venture and expansion capital, private debt, real estate, infrastructure and natural resources.

Numbers - Universe data

  • 13,000+Funds and funds of funds

  • $10 trillion+Committed capital

  • 100%LP-sourced and since inception1

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Private Capital Universe

Our Private Capital Universe covers over since inception quarterly returns and cash flow data for over 13,000 private capital funds and funds of funds, capitalized over $10 trillion. Read our quarterly summary provide for up-to-date insight into private capital performance.

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Albuquerque Partners II
Updated through September 30, 2023

A powerful - Universe data

A powerful benchmarking lens

We offer an in-depth look at private capital portfolios through analytics, benchmarking and investment decision support, and give you access to over 13,000 funds and funds of funds by vintage, asset class, geography and more. Universe Data and Analytics leverages the power of our Private Capital Universe — one of the largest collections of funds with extensive coverage of historical performance data and cash flow profiles, using exclusively LP-sourced data to avoid biases associated with voluntary manager submissions and FOIA requests. The Universe is designed to help you contextualize relative manager performance and understand the cash flow and valuation behavior of private asset investments.

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how we can help - Universe data

How we can help


  • Research and due diligence

    • Compare manager performance to the market and peers
    • Gain insight into dynamics within asset classes and dimensions across private capital
  • Portfolio construction and pacing

    • Conduct cross-asset investment research to inform asset allocation processes
    • Understand behavior of cash flows and liquidity to enhance pacing analyses and time-varying behavior of private capital funds


  • Private markets performance and risk benchmarking

    • Measure pooled and quartile performance with various rates of return, multiples and public market equivalent analytics
    • Design indexes — measure and compare performance by sector, geography, asset class, vintage and fund size characteristics, with ability to create a benchmark universe that reflects your mandate and portfolio constraints.
    • Conduct benchmarking at portfolio-, commitment-, fund- and holding-levels
  • Impactful reporting

    • Access integrated Private i® Platform Excel Add-In functions
    • Access Microsoft Power BI reporting templates

lps gps - universe data

  • LPs

    Monitor, manage and report on investments with benchmarking for portfolio performance, research and due diligence

  • GPs

    Benchmark performance to inform prospective investors of quartile performance while fundraising

why msci - universe data


MSCI has extensive benchmarking expertise, serving as one of the global leaders in equity indexes for more than 50 years with an innovative range of indexes to meet a wide variety of portfolio needs, and as a leader in private capital benchmarking data with the acquisition of the Burgiss Group.

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Revolutionizing Private Capital with our Classification System

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Footnote - universe data

  • 1 As of September 30, 2023.