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Understanding Carbon Markets
Dec 11, 2024A comprehensive guide to the essentials of carbon markets, including compliance and voluntary markets, how companies and investors use carbon credits, and carbon-credit quality.

Sustainable-Finance Regulation — a Look Ahead for 2025
Dec 3, 2024 Simone Ruiz-Vergote2025 could mark a turning point for sustainable finance, with the EU’s CSRD and global ISSB standards driving transparency. Financial institutions will need to navigate evolving frameworks, balancing compliance challenges with sustainability opportunities.

Baku to the Future: What COP29 Means for Investors
Nov 26, 2024 Guy Turner, Linda-Eling Lee, Oliver MarchandCOP29 advanced international carbon trading with key agreements. Mixed signals on the energy transition, however, affirm investors’ view of an uneven transformation, while investment to address climate-driven physical risk looks likely to continue apace.

Funds and the European Sustainable Finance Landscape 2024
Oct 28, 2024We evaluate European funds’ performance under sustainability regulations, including SFDR article 8 and 9 funds, EU Taxonomy alignment and new fund-naming guidelines, offering insights into regulatory developments and data improvements.

A Silver Lining for Climate-Tilted Bond Portfolios?
Sep 11, 2024 Alexander Schober, Juan SampieriSome sovereign-bond investors seeking to support climate mitigation might be interested in the idea of increasing their exposure to issuers with lower carbon emissions. Would this have been a good approach?

Sustainable-Debt Dispatch
Aug 19, 2024Integrating sustainability and climate risk and impact into bond and private-debt analysis is becoming an increasingly important aspect of portfolio construction. This paper discusses a range of metrics that could guide investors in making these assessments.

Who’s the Climate Expert on Board?
Aug 19, 2024 Florian Sommer, Gül Demirtaş, David MuirheadWhat’s the state of climate expertise on the boards of the companies in your portfolio? We provide a regional analysis and offer a framework to help investors make their own assessments.

Social Risks and Opportunities for Corporates: Long-Term Performance in Global Equity Markets
Aug 1, 2024 Liz Houston, Drashti Shah, Xinxin WangWhat goes into an analysis of financially material social risks and opportunities? And what does it mean for a company’s market performance? Our analysis found that scoring on social-risk themes was a key indicator of performance.
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Foundations of ESG Investing
Foundations of ESG Investing
How ESG integration has affected benchmarks and index-based, factor and active portfolios.
ESG Fund Ratings
ESG Fund Ratings
MSCI ESG Fund Ratings aim to measure the resilience of mutual funds and ETFs to long term risks and opportunities arising from environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
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