- MSCI ESG Focus Indexes
- Currency Hedged
Market Cap Weighted
- MSCI全市场指数
- MSCI China A Inclusion Indexes
- MSCI China All Shares Indexes
- MSCI China A International Indexes
- MSCI ASEAN Indexes
- MSCI Emerging Markets ex China Index
- MSCI US Equity Indexes
- MSCI Indexes for Canadian Investors
- MSCI Saudi Arabia Indexes
- MSCI US REIT Custom Capped Index
- MSCI Indexes for Australian Investors
- MSCI USA IMI Sector Indexes
- MSCI可投资市场指数
- MSCI新兴市场和前沿市场指数
- MSCI Single Factor ESG Reduced Carbon Target Indexes
- MSCI Factor Mix A-Series Indexes
- MSCI Diversified Multiple-Factor Indexes
- MSCI股息
- Índice MSCI All Colombia Local Listed Risk Weighted
- MSCI High Dividend Yield
- MSCI因子指数
- MSCI Equal Weighted Indexes
- MSCI Select Value Momentum Blend Indexes
- MSCI质量和高红利指数
- MSCI Top 50 Dividend Indexes
- MSCI最小波动率指数
- MSCI Growth Target Indexes
- MSCI风险加权指数
- Índices MSCI Mexico Select Momentum Capped & Mexico Select Risk Weighted
- Additional Index Profiles
MSCI US REIT Custom Capped Index
The MSCI US REIT Custom Capped Index is designed to measure the performance of the large, mid and small-cap segments of the US equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) market. The MSCI US REIT Custom Capped Index uses a variation of MSCI 25/50 Indexes methodology, where the weight of any single group entity will be constrained at 22.5% of the Index weight, and the sum of the weights of all group entities representing more than 4.75% weight will be constrained at 24% of the Index weight. All the securities are classified under the Equity REITs Industry (under the Real Estate Sector) according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®), have core real estate exposure (i.e., only selected Specialized REITs are eligible) and carry REIT tax status.
The index includes equity REIT sub-industries which are part of the real estate sector according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS ®) structure. To be eligible for inclusion in the index, companies must have an equity REIT structure, real estate exposure and REIT tax status as per the Internal Revenue Code requirements mentioned above. As a result, select specialized REITs that do not meet these criteria are excluded from the index.
Launched in September 2020, the index is currently built from the MSCI USA Investable Market Index (IMI), which aims to represent the performance of large, mid and small caps securities. The MSCI USA Investable Market Index is governed by the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes methodology.
Index construction objectives, guiding principles and methodology for the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes.
MSCI Market Cap Indexes
MSCI Market Cap Indexes
Our market cap weighted indexes are among the most respected and widely used benchmarks in the financial industry. Collectively, they provide detailed equity market coverage for more than 80 countries across developed, emerging and frontier markets, representing 99% of these investable opportunity sets.