- MSCI ESG Focus Indexes
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Market Cap Weighted
- MSCI全市场指数
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- MSCI China A International Indexes
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- MSCI Saudi Arabia Indexes
- MSCI US REIT Custom Capped Index
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- MSCI USA IMI Sector Indexes
- MSCI可投资市场指数
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- MSCI Single Factor ESG Reduced Carbon Target Indexes
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- Índice MSCI All Colombia Local Listed Risk Weighted
- MSCI High Dividend Yield
- MSCI因子指数
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- MSCI Select Value Momentum Blend Indexes
- MSCI质量和高红利指数
- MSCI Top 50 Dividend Indexes
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- MSCI Growth Target Indexes
- MSCI风险加权指数
- Índices MSCI Mexico Select Momentum Capped & Mexico Select Risk Weighted
- Additional Index Profiles
MSCI Saudi Arabia Indexes hero image
MSCI Saudi Arabia indexes
MSCI Saudi Arabia indexes
To address the needs of international investors for meaningful benchmarks for Saudi Arabia and its regional peers, we have launched the MSCI Saudi Arabia Indexes, which represent the performance of Saudi Arabia's investment opportunity.
The MSCI Saudi Arabia Indexes follow MSCI's internationally recognized Global Investable Market Indexes (GIMI) methodology using our Emerging Markets size and liquidity requirements. Investors can choose from a wide range of index options available in different sizes/segments.
MSCI Saudi Arabia Index
Performance | Factsheet | Methodology
MSCI Saudi Arabia IMI Index
Performance | Factsheet | Methodology
MSCI Tadawul 30 (MT30) Index
The MSCI Tadawul 30 (MT30) Index is jointly launched by MSCI and the Saudi Stock Exchange Co. (Tadawul). The Index is based on the MSCI Saudi Arabia Investable Market Index (IMI) that represents the performance of large, mid and small-cap stocks of the Saudi Arabia equity market from the point of view of an investor following a trading calendar of Sunday through Thursday week (STW). The Index targets the top 30 securities of the MSCI Saudi Arabia IMI STW Index based on free float market capitalization with capping criteria and is designed to be able to serve as the basis for financial products including derivatives and ETPs.
Performance| Factsheet (English) | Factsheet (Arabic) | Methodology
MSCI Saudi Arabia IMI 25/50 Index
The MSCI Saudi Arabia IMI 25-50 Index applies the investment limits required of regulated investment companies, or RICs, under the current US Internal Revenue Code and is designed to measure the performance of the large, mid and small cap segments of the Saudi Arabia market.
- Press Release:MSCI and Tadawul to Launch Joint Saudi Arabia Tradeable Index for Domestic and International Investors
- Webinar: Discussion of Results of MSCI's 2018 Market Classification Review - June 2018
- Web page: Market Classification
- Press release: Status on the Potential Reclassification of the MSCI Saudi Arabia Index
- Blog post (Arabic): Saudi Equities — Five-Year Milestone and the Road Ahead
Emerging markets
Emerging markets
MSCI Emerging Markets Index consists of 27 countries representing 10% of world market capitalization
The MSCI Saudi Arabia IMI 25/50 Index is designed to measure the performance of the large, mid and small cap segments of the Saudi Arabia market.
Index Construction Objectives, Guiding Principles and Methodology for the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes.