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Private Real Assets Index Factsheets
Private Real Assets Index Factsheets
We are committed to helping the real estate investment sector raise its information, reporting and transparency standards to the level of the mainstream exchange traded asset classes. We release headline financial performance indexes on real estate markets around the world to enhance transparency. Below, you can choose to view MSCI Private Real Assets Indexes by type (derivatives, direct private property, property funds or transaction linked indexes) as well as by region (country and regional).
View the MSCI Index release schedule
With the support and commitment from sponsors and clients globally, MSCI’s real estate services are constantly evolving. View our MSCI Index sponsors.
For more information on our market information services licensing and pricing, please contact us at realestate@msci.com.
Index Announcements Index Methodologies Index Consultations
MSCI UK quarterly property index
MSCI UK quarterly property index
The MSCI UK Quarterly Property Index (GBP) measures unlevered total returns of directly held standing property investments from one valuation to the next. The index tracks performance of 9,034 property investments, with a total capital value of GBP 163.1 billion as at December 2018.
MSCI U.S. quarterly property index (unfrozen)
MSCI U.S. quarterly property index (unfrozen)
MSCI U.S. Quarterly Property Index (Unfrozen) measures unlevered total returns of directly held standing property investments from one valuation to the next. The index tracks performance of 4,967 property investments, with a total capital value of USD 360.8 billion as at December 2018
MSCI global quarterly private infrastructure index (unfrozen)
MSCI global quarterly private infrastructure index (unfrozen)
The MSCI Global Quarterly Private Infrastructure Index (Unfrozen) measures the equity performance of infrastructure assets globally. Currency movements are excluded from return metrics. The Index returned 11.8% in the year to Q3 2018.
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