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- MSCI Recognized as a Leader among Green Quadrant: Climate Financial Data and Analytics Providers by Verdantix
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- EBA Solution Demo
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- The Role of Bonds in Multi-Asset Portfolios
- Securitized Products: Recent Performance and 2022 Outlook
- Risk Insights
- Fixed Income Markets in Focus: Recent Turbulence and Bond Portfolios
- Portfolio Management 2023
- Quantitative Investment Solutions
- Fixed Income Markets in Focus: Weighing Bonds in a Tense Market Environment
- Fixed Income Markets in Focus: Bonds in 2024 – A New Paradigm?
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- MSCI Climate Paris Aligned Indexes
- Sustainable Investing: ESG Ratings
- ESG Investing: 2021 ESG Trends to Watch
- ESG Trends for 2021: Climate Reality Bites: Actually, We Will Not Always Have Paris
- ESG Trends for 2021: Beyond Boom and Bust: ESG Investment Finds its Footing
- ESG Trends for 2021: To Bee or not to Bee: Investors Tackle the Biodiversity Crisis
- ESG Trends for 2021: The ESG Data Deluge: Sink or Swim for Companies and Investors
- ESG Trends for 2021: Righting the Scales: Social Inequalities Test Investors’ Creativity
- ESG Trends for 2021: ESG Trends Archive
- ESG Framework for Asset Owners
- Why Environmental Social and Governance
- Sustainable Investing
- Foundations of Climate Investing
- The Role of Capital in the Net-Zero Revolution
- History of Climate Change Science
- Climate Paris-Aligned Benchmark Select Indexes
- ESG 101: What is Environmental, Social and Governance?
- Climate 101: Aligning your Portfolio with a Net-Zero Economy
- EBA ESG Pillar 3 Disclosure Solutions for Banks
- Sustainable Finance Solutions
- ESG & Climate Regulatory Overview Tool
- Sustainability Reporting Services
- ESG Ratings and Financial Performance: Research Overview
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- 2023 Trends to Watch in Real Assets
- Data Delivery
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- Real Estate Set to Face Increased Frequency of Chronic Weather Days
- How banks can measure physical climate-related risks for EBA Pillar 3 compliance
- Climate Investing
- Nature and Biodiversity: Identify and measure portfolio impacts and risks
- Climate and Net-Zero Solutions
- Scenario Analysis
- The MSCI Net-Zero Tracker
- Eastspring’s Climate Strategy in ASEAN
- Dai-ichi Life and its Journey to Net-Zero
- Emissions Footprinting for Private Equity and Debt
- Climate Lab Enterprise
- New Zealand Superannuation Fund and its Journey to Net-Zero
- Hwabao WP Fund’s Climate Journey
- Manulife and its Journey to Net-Zero
- Achieving The Promise of COP26
- henry post
- EU Paris-Aligned Benchmark (PAB)
- Net-Zero Now Documentary
- Introducing Climate Lab Enterprise
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- Climate Indexes
- A Framework for Attributing Changes in Portfolio Carbon Footprint
- MSCI Carbon Markets
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- MSCI Guide
- Climate and Net-Zero
- Climate Metrics Series Part 1: Measuring climate change – what metrics should you use?
- Climate Metrics Series Part 2: Ranking sectors by carbon footprint
- Climate Metrics Series Part 3: Exploring the effect of climate change on investments
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- 我们的研究&见解
- Research
- Old Global Investing Trends
- Global Investing Trends: Many Emerging-Market Companies Aligned with UN SDGs
- Global Investing Trends: Thematic Investing is a Global Phenomenon
- Global Investing Trends: Global Country Correlation Matrix by Sub-Regions
- Global Investing Trends: Tapping into Global and Regional Revenues
- Global Investing Trends: Global Research and Development Spending as Percentage of GDP
- Global Investing Trends: Earnings-Growth Estimates Rose Across the Globe
- Global Investing Trends: Looking Beyond North America
- Global Investing Trends: Low-Carbon Revenues and Readiness
- Global Investing Trends: Emerging Markets and ACWI Economic Exposure
- Global Investing Trends: Correlations Within and Across Global Markets
- Global Investing Trends: The Evolution of the Emerging Markets Universe
- Dispersion in Equity Markets
- Global Investing Trends: Increased Stock Market Concentration: Risk or Opportunity?
- Global Investing Trends: Concentration Through a Country Lens: Impact on Regional Diversification
- Global Investing Trends: Going Digital: Tech-Led Growth Has Affected Country Concentration
- Global Investing: Where Next in Terms of Global Growth?
- Global Investing: Does positive GDP growth lead to strong stock returns?
- Global Investing Trends: Not All Listed Stocks Are Investable: The Concept of Free-Float Market Capitalization
- Understanding Emerging- and Developed-Market Equity Performance
- Global Investing Trends: Revisiting Small Caps
- Global Investing Trends: Risk and Volatility in Small Caps
- Global Investing Trends: Diversifying with Small Caps
- Global Investing Trends: Small Caps’ Revenue Exposure and the Global Recovery
- Global Investing Trends: Were Small Caps Immune to Concentration?
- Global Investing Trends: Addressing the Lower Liquidity of Smaller Stocks
- Global Investing Trends: Bringing a Style Lens to Small Caps
- Global Investing Trends: How Have Small Caps Navigated Risk-On and Risk-Off Environments?
- Global Investing Trends: ESG Credentials: How Have Small Caps Stacked Up?
- Does Small Size Mean Less Opportunity in a Low-Carbon World?
- Global Investing Trends: Latin America: A Market with Unique Characteristics
- A Closer Look at Latin America’s Performance
- Did Home Bias Help?
- A Closer Look at Sectors in Latin America
- Bringing ESG and Climate Lenses to Latin America
- Ownership Structures in Emerging Markets
- Have Sectors Driven Stock Returns?
- Sector Leaderboard Changed as Inflation Picked Up
- Changing Sectors, Changing Correlations
- Sector-Momentum
- Valuations Can Help in Evaluating Sectors
- Energy-Sector Drivers
- US Inflation and Interest Rates: A Sectors’ Perspective
- Emerging Markets: Sector and Industry Diversity
- The Relationship Between Inflation and Commodities
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- ESG 研究
- CEO Pay
- Fixed Income
- Climate & ESG Funds in Focus
- National Climate Commitments Tracker
- The Net-Zero Journey for Private Investors
- 2022 ESG Trends to Watch
- Putting ESG Ratings in Their Rightful Place
- The Story Behind ESG Trends
- The New ‘Amazon Effect’: Corporates Pushing Corporates for Net-Zero Supply Chains
- Private-Company Emissions Under Public Scrutiny
- The Coal Conundrum: Rethinking Divestment
- No Planet B: Financing Climate Adaptation
- Greenwashing Recedes as Common ESG Language Emerges
- Regulation at a Crossroads: Convergence or Fragmentation?
- Coffee vs Burgers? Biodiversity and The Future of Food
- Bacteria Rising: Another Health Crisis Looms
- Just Transition: Finding the Nexus of Need and Investability
- An Expanding Ecosystem of ESG, Climate and Impact Data
- International Women’s Day (IWD) 2022
- Women on Boards: Interactive Dashboard
- Actions MSCI takes to #BreakTheBias
- Actions AllianceBernstein takes to #BreakTheBias
- Actions Bank of America takes to #BreakTheBias
- Actions Barings takes to #BreakTheBias
- Actions Fidelity Investments takes to #BreakTheBias
- Actions J.P. Morgan takes to #BreakTheBias
- Actions ODDO BHF takes to #BreakTheBias
- Nasdaq’s New Board Diversity Rules
- Market Insights
- Companies Most Exposed to Ukraine
- Ukraine Conflict and Fed Action
- Globalization Gets Another Jolt
- From Crisis to Crisis: Russia’s Diminished Role in Emerging Markets
- How Modern Wars Affected Market Performance and Volatility
- Cybersecurity Firms’ Performance Rose After Russia Invaded
- Signs of Contagion from the Russia-Ukraine War
- The Options Market Has a Story to Tell
- Prior to Invasion, Russian Firms with Higher ESG Ratings Outperformed Peers
- War in Ukraine Exacerbates Equity-Market Dispersion
- Russia Indexes’ Reclassification Had a Large Effect on EM Energy
- Higher Energy Prices Fueled Equities More than Bonds
- Russia Avoided Default, At Least For Now
- Markets Brace for More Rate Hikes, as War Fans Inflation Fears
- Bond-Market Contagion Signals from the Russia-Ukraine War
- Since the War, ESG Mattered for Equities
- Climate Indexes May Have Benefited from Clean Tech Since the Start of the War
- Growth-Value Leadership Diverged Regionally After Russian Invasion
- Russian Bonds: The 100-Year Storm?
- Markets Indicated Higher-than-Usual Downside Risk for EAFE and EM
- Market Uncertainty Has Favored Low-Volatility Indexes
- SEC Proposed Climate Disclosure Rules
- Are Factors a Thing of the Past?
- Markets in Focus: Inflation Woes and Geopolitical Tensions
- 2022 Factor Outlook and Market Review
- Climate Exposure and Its Impact on a Client’s Portfolio
- Stock Crowding Shifts… Again
- Net-Zero Alignment Series
- Global Real Estate Performance
- Coastal Flooding and Tropical Storms Are the Largest Physical Risks
- Transition Risks Vary by Scenario
- Climate Risk in the Global Index
- Higher Inflation Generally Outpaced Net Operating Income Growth in 2021
- …Driven by Lower Asset Value Growth and Lower Net Investment
- The Shift Away From Office and Retail Continued…
- Variation Across Cities
- Country Returns Over Two Years Mostly in Single Digit Territory
- Yield Compression Helped to Drive Asset Value Increases
- Yields Continued to Compress
- Industrial and Residential Sectors Led
- Global Returns Dipped in 2020 Before Rebounding in 2021
- Real Estate Returns Moderate in March 2022
- Consistent Outperformance of the Industrial Sector
- Steady Rise in Industrial Sector Weights
- Yield Impact Was the Dominant Driver in the Industrial Sector
- Sustained Higher Capital Value Weights for Markets With Quarterly Indexes
- Spreads Widen Between the Retail and Industrial Performance Over Time
- GQPI Performance Indicated Post Pandemic Recovery
- Are Factors Only for Quants?
- Integrating ESG & Climate into Factor Portfolios
- Examining Minimum Volatility in Volatile Regimes
- Reframing US Technological Innovation by Integrating Thematics and ESG
- Markets in Focus: Who Let the Bears Out?
- Asset TV Fixed Income Masterclass: Fixed Income Investing
- Are Factors Too Complicated?
- Old Global Investing Trends
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- Generational Change
- MSCI Podcasts
- ESG Now Podcast
- Mines Need Biodiversity and HSBC’s Legal Carbon Reduction Requirement
- The SEC Welcomes Climate Disclosures and Wrongdoing at Toshiba
- APAC is Better at ESG and EVs Aren’t Enough
- It’s Scorching in Seattle and Overdraft Fees are SO 2020
- Linda at the G20 International Conference on Climate in Venice
- Methane Emissions and Devastating Floods
- China’s Education Company Crackdown and Harassment at Activision
- Vaccine Mandates and Walmart’s Insulin
- Riding Rail Through the Floods and an Ex-con Back in the Saddle at Samsung
- BHP Eschews Oil for Farming
- Green Marine and German Diversity
- China Bans Gaming
- Non-Profits Sue VW and China Talks Big
- Say on Climate and Deluge in the Delta
- Climatepalooza Pt. 1
- Climatepalooza Pt. 2
- Our Only Cryptocurrency Episode
- Biodiversity Comes to Kunming and Taiwan’s Semiconductors are Thirsty
- Emission Talks at COP 26 and Hertz Buys a Tesla
- Deforestation and Coal Death at COP26
- The US Infrastructure Deal
- The World Gets Into the Spirit of COP-eration and Energy Prices Be Crazy
- Twitter’s CEO Steps Down
- We Need Miners and Cheap Drugs
- Antibiotic Resistance and What is ESG?
- Are Carbon Markets Useful?
- Forget Naughty or Nice – Santa’s Workshops are Flooding
- Labor Strikes and Labor Rights
- Sustainable Gas and Assault at Rio Tinto
- Financed Emissions and the Wild World of EV Start-Ups
- Europe’s Dependence on Russian Gas and Online Gambling
- Nord Stream 2 and Vaccines for Everyone
- ESG and the Invasion of Ukraine
- Children in the Cocoa Fields
- War and ESG
- Coal Expansion and SEC's Big Climate Move
- Governance and War and Boeing’s Deja Vu
- Unions & ESG and the IPCC Climate Report
- Resignations and a Looming Crisis in China
- The Long and Shorting of ESG
- Abortion Pills and the Climate of Bonds
- McDonald’s Pigs and the SEC’s ESG
- In the Gold Mines of CEO Pay
- Baby Formula Crisis and Australia Goes Green
- Cannon-Brookes Brokers a Deal with AGL
- Carbon Markets 101
- Windy ESG Labels
- The Birds and Bees and the ESG
- Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act and the US Supreme Court
- Concentrating Ownership
- A Pioneer of Corporate Governance Retires
- Labor Ignores and La Nina Threatens
- The Inflation Reduction Act: What the massive climate bill means for the energy sector
- Low-Carbon Lithium and Green Homes
- River Evaporation and Semiconductor Dominance
- It’s Electric!
- Railroad Strikes and How Institutions Go Net Zero
- NYC Climate Week: Energy Transition and Climate Adaptation Panel
- Aquaculture’s Rise and Electric Snowmobiles
- What To Do When Your Executive Bites Someone and Hurricanes
- Everyone Hates ESG
- The Enigma of Tesla's ESG and Santos Pipeline Hits a Snag
- Medicine, Chocolate and the ESG Data-verse
- Bribery – Where ESG Risk and Externality Collide
- COPacetic in Egypt and Methane is a Low-Hanging Fruit
- ESG and Climate Trends to Watch for 2023
- COP-erating on Biodiversity Loss
- CRISPR Comes to ESG
- Do Record Profits Change Oil?
- The Conflict Within ESG
- The Fed Mulls Climate Risk and Swifties Sue Live Nation
- ESG Now Podcast
- Seven Lean Years and Other Lessons from the Last Tech-Stock Correction
- Index Options Indicated Negative Market Sentiment
- Fed Policy and the Specter of Stagflation
- Is the Energy Trade Running Out of Energy?
- Has Inflation Affected the Bond-Equity Relationship?
- US Commercial Property Price Growth Held Steady in May
- Equity Analysts Get Sentiment-al
- How Have Hedge Funds Navigated the Recent Market Turmoil?
- Global Real Estate Returns at a Turning Point?
- Is the Market Ripe for Stock Picking?
- Singapore Free Index
- Factor Investing In Today's Volatile Market
- The Bond Market is Sick
- Climate Series
- Russian Corporate Bond Markets: Braced for Default?
- Research
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- Sustainable Investing at Colorado PERA
- Investment Insights 2021
- Introducing Investment Insights 2021
- Investment Insights 2021: The Investment Ecosystem Under Stress
- Investment Insights 2021: The Investment Benefit Of Diversity
- Investment Insights 2021: The state of play in ESG
- Investment Insights: The data-driven investor
- Investment Insights 2021: How Scale Makes A Difference
- Investment Insights 2021: newpage
- Publica’s Climate Investment Policy
- CalPERS’ Sustainable Investment Program
- Cbus' ESG & Climate Strategy
- Asset allocation for a new regime
- The art and science of scenario analysis
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- ESG Trends
- 10 questions that may shape the decade
- What if public companies stay privately controlled?
- What if antibiotics stop working
- What if we can't balance people and planet
- What if ESG risks transcend politics?
- What if gender parity is out of reach for corporate boards?
- What if we cut down all the forests?
- What if ESG disclosures become standardized
- Who cares about the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
- postCOVID19 posts
- #postCOVID19 posts: Reshaping of the Oil & Gas Industry
- #postCOVID19 post: Financing a green and inclusive recovery
- #postCOVID19 posts: Vaccines Over Viagra?
- #postCOVID19 posts: Virtual AGMs
- #postCOVID19 posts: Rethinking health & safety
- #postCOVID19 posts: Green buildings are healthier buildings
- #postCOVID19 posts: From OccupyWallSt to OccupyZoomConf?
- #postCOVID19 posts: More Disasters To Come?
- #postCOVID19 posts: Outward Migrations
- #postCOVID19 posts: Vulnerabilities in industries with concentrated production
- ESG and Climate Trends to Watch for 2023
- 10 questions that may shape the decade
- Beyond COVID-19: Forces that May Shape Long-Term Investing over the Next Decade
- Our Solutions
- Priorities for COP26
- Corporates
- Research and Insights
- From Top-down Beta Management to Bottom-up Analyst Sentiment
- MSCI China A 50 Connect Index
- Factoring in Volatility
- Datonomy Infographic
- Factors and their role in investment process
- In Focus
- MSCI’s Sustainability and Climate Trends to Watch 2024
- Economic concerns drive defensive gains in global equities
- MSCI Similarity Score
- Sustainability and Climate Trends to Watch for 2025
- 2025 Wealth Trends
- proxy page
- Myth3: MSCI real estate only provides index return numbers
- The journey to net zero: what does climate pressure mean for real estate investors?
- Real Estate Research Snapshot 2021
- Office Real Estate: The post-Pandemic Trends affecting Investment
- Research Snapshot 2020 Part 2
- Visualizing Investment Data
- ESG Investing: Finding your Motivation
- UN Sustainable Development Goals: How do companies stack up?
- Inside MSCI ESG Ratings: How are companies scored?
- The Rise of Women on Boards
- Global Progress Towards the Paris Agreement
- The Paris Agreement and Your Portfolio
- Meet Thematic Investing
- Fact Check: The Truth Behind 5 ESG Myths
- The Top 5 Sustainable Investing Questions Advisers Need Answered
- The Sustainable ETF Universe
- The Power of a Sustainable Dollar
- A More Intuitive Way to Calculate Investment Risk
- A Global Perspective: The Possibilities in International Equity Investing
- What is Direct Indexing?
- An ESG & Climate Index for Every Objective
- Intuition of Factor Investing is part of your daily life
- Indexes – Bringing the World into Focus
- ACWI IMI's Complete Geographic Breakdown
- Using Climate Indexes to Address Your Climate Objectives
- Steps to Net-Zero
- Evaluating a Company’s Net-Zero Target
- Why Genomics is poised for growth
- Rethinking material use. The Circular Economy 101
- Visualizing Millennials by region
- How differentiated insights lead to stronger portfolios
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- Weathering Physical Climate Risks
- How MSCI Builds Thematic Indexes
- Could Tomorrow’s Internet be Streamed from Space?
- Digital Wallets: The Future of Global Payments
- 3 Reasons Millennials are Driving the AI Revolution
- 40 years of Real Estate
- Market Size Report
- Real Estate Market Size Report 20/21
- For Institutional Investors
- University of Ulster – Northern Ireland Commercial Property Report 2019
- For Institutional Investors
- Myth 4: Real Estate operates in a bubble
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- Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight
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- #postCOVID19 Part One
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- Insights Gallery Archive
- The Rise of Emerging Markets and Asia
- Real Estate Returns’ Dispersion amid COVID
- Large Stocks Took the Lion’s Share
- Which Factors May Be Crowded?
- Leveraging Fixed Income During the COVID Crisis
- The Dispersion of Stock Returns
- Probabilities of Default in the Corporate-Bond Market
- 10 Years of ESG Performance: Latin America vs Rest of World
- Adaptive Risk Management
- Sector Performance and Concentration
- How Well Have Companies Aligned with the UN SDGs?
- MBS Owned by the Federal Reserve
- Where Do Hedge Funds Have Their Big Exposures
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- Sector and Factor Evolution in Emerging Markets
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